Hakai’s Stupidity

The moment we started moving towards the capital, we realized we missed an extremely crucial detail.

"Um...do any of you know the way to the capital" Yosei asked.

"No..." We all replied.

"Should we go back for a map or something?"I proposed.

"Haha.. Where is the fun in that. We'll still get to the capital. Let's try to enjoy a bit." Kenko laughed.

"I guess that's ok..:" I shrugged.

"What do you guys think" I turned to the others.

Like me they all said that it didn't affect them much. We all decided to continue on the road in hope that maybe we'd find something interesting. I was starting to get bored while walking so i decided to check The Kyuriko Art, incase there was anything that could relieve me from my boredom. Most of the stuff in the fighting section were stuff that either looked to complicated for me or stuff i couldn't access with my current level.

"Watchu looking at?" Ithil appeared over my shoulder.

"Ah, this is the Kyuriko Art. I was getting bored so i wanted to check if anything could interest me." I explained.

"Huh, this is the fighting section" Ithil pointed out.

"Yeah? I need more fighting techniques" I said confused.

She stopped abruptly causing me to look at her in confusion.

"Is something wrong?" I inquired.

"So you're telling me that the only skills you have in your arsenal are attack skills" She frowned.

"Yeah? Is that not the purpose of the game?" I was seriously confused right now.

"Guys...Hakai here. Is a certified newbie" She called out to the others.

"Wait what do you mean by that?" I panicked.

"What kind of gamer only relies on Attack skills!?" She shrieked

"Oh boy. We can't have that now can we?" Kenko sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" A bad feeling came over me.

"I mean how do you expect to complete your quest if the battle experience and skills you have are close to zero" Ithil opined.

"How bout this. Ithil will take kai here and teach her all the fundamentals about this game." Kenko clapped excitedly.

"What about you guys?" I asked.

"Oh? We'll keep going to the capital as planned" Kenko smiled wickedly.

"That's perfect. We'll meet you there. Rest assured the next time you see Hakai she'll know how to play better than all of you!" Ithil dragged me while shouting.

"I'd like to see that happen!" Kenko challenged.

In a just a few moments, I was separated from the group and was being dragged into the forest. We got to a small clearing and immediately Ithil pushed me to the ground.

"Alright open your stats, let me see what i have to work with." She commanded.

"Huh!?" I muttered.

"Get to it" She impatiently said.

"O-ok. Status" I hurriedly did as instructed.

[Name: Hakai

 Race: Demon(Oni)









 Stat Points:15---125


 Demon Strile. LvL.3

Demon Dash. LvL.4

 Soul Absorption. LvL.5

Bloodlust. LvL.1

Hundred Slash. LvL.

Full Focus. LvL.2

Meditation. LvL.2

Art: Kyuriko Art

Skills learnt from art:

Gensou no Dansu-Dance of the elements ]

"Hmm not half bad, but why haven't you distributed your stats yet?" She inquired.

"I kinda forgot about the system" I chuckled nervously.

"How could you forget something so important" She reprimanded.

"So I should distribute it now?" I wondered.

"No it will be better to allocate them after you've improved your body and technique" She stopped me.

"Now prepare yourself because i'm going to make you wish you were dead" She smiled devilishly.

I felt a chill go through my spine wondering what kind of things she'll put me through.