What's happening?



The red hair turned to see a bunny smile. "Hey" She said in a sweet tone. "You came so early?" He asked. "Yea because I like to come early" She said."Well I never asked your name, if you don't mind-" She shook her head, "ah no it's fine, I don't mind, myself Daisy" She forwarded her hand, he smiled, "myself Jungkook" He shook his hand with hers.She smiled, he ruffled the back of his hair. She chuckled seeing him. "You're cute" His whole face became red. "I..i should..go" He stuttered and immediately ran from there with a red face. Daisy smiled and went to her classroom.


"We have a special ball this week and i want you to learn dance" The emperor said. "And why do i need to learn dance?" Jin said with narrowed eyes. "Of course you need to learn, you need to dance with the Princess of Euphoria Kingdom"

"Father I don't need anything, you are the one who need someone and that's a doctor" With this, he left the palace."What should I do to make him agree to this marriage?" His father sighed.


"They are getting married"

A voice of a woman came. "I know that" A man said. "Are you just going to let them marry each other?"

"No way. If they get married, then he will become the next king. The coronation is one month after their marriage"

"How do you know when is the coronation?" She asked.

The man laughed. "Because I have my spy in his palace"

"How's that possible? They have a really tight security after that incident"

"Don't worry. My spy is really clever and intelligent. They all trust him as he is the assistant of Prince Seokjin"

The woman too laughed. "Now we just have to stop this marriage to happen"

"Don't worry for that. The prince doesn't even want to marry. We can stop this marriage to happen"

"How about we just stop the princess from coming to the kingdom? I heard she is coming only with her sister who is known for being a weak personality, complete opposite to the other one. I don't think she can protect her elder sister"

"Very well. But never underestimate your enemy"

They both smirked.


?? Pov

I walked near the beautiful lake. As I can't fly unless it's a real urgent. I looked at the view and smiled. I have always loved the lake view. Most of us brothers love nature cuz we were born in this consequence. I still remember how we didn't even know who our parents were. I exhaled loudly and looked at the view with my hands on my pocket.

Until I saw a white swan. I smiled and went to it but it panicked and started running away from me."Hey it's ok. I won't hurt you"I said. But the weird thing I found about it that the swan was wearing a swan clutch. Why? Strange. Was it someone's pet? But who will make swan a pet? And why will they give it a clutch?

I was so lost in my thoughts that the swan ran away and I didn't even realised it. I sighed and went back to the palace.I was going inside the palace when I saw my brother coming my way. "Taehyungie?" I approached him. "Oh hey jiminie" He replied. He looked in a bad mood.

"What happened taehyung?" I asked in a worried tone. "Jimin I have been thinking about it for a long time" I nodded. "That why don't I have natural powers like you all?" He said in a sad tone. I widened my eyes."Hey why are you saying like this? You are known as Flower Prince for a reason brother"

"Yes and that reason is because I love flowers. That's all. That's why people call me Flower Prince which I am not. I have never been used in any war. Why? Because I am an ordinary son and you all have natural powers since your birth"

"It's not what you think it is. You must be possessing powers too. And it's not because we think you are ordinary which we don't, it's for your safety that hyungs never send us to any war. Because they are more powerful than us and they are capable of controlling them. We never said or thought that you don't have powers or that you are ordinary and different from us"

"Are you saying this to make me happy or because I really possess natural powers?"

I became quiet. Honestly, I have never seen if he truly has powers like us. I have no answer to give him because I am myself not confirmed. I just know that we all seven must be having powers like our parents. I just know none of us is different from each other rather than our different powers."Uh.." He interrupted me, "oh I was going to say that there's a ball this week."

"Ball? For what?" He shrugged. And then he left. He is a weirdo. He completely forgot that we were in a different topic a minute ago. I sighed and went to my room.


The ball is approaching. And I have no idea how to get rid of this marriage. I looked up and went out to my sister's room but found no one. "Maid" I ordered the maids."Yes your highness?" They said. "Where's Luna?" I asked. "Your highness princess luna went out two hours ago. We don't know where she went"That's when the reality hit me. I know where she is but it's obvious they don't. I was about to go out of the palace when I saw her coming inside from the back door. I took a breath of relief.

"Thank god you came back. Why so late this time?" I asked her who was lost in her deep thoughts. "Luna I am asking you something" The moment I touched her, she flinched. "Hey relax, it's me Amelia"

"Oh Amelia, sorry I made you worried" She said in a low tone. "Luna you are my younger sister, I will obviously be worried for you and am the only one who knows your secret"

"Hey shh someone will listen" She grabbed my hand and took me to her room. Then she closed the door before checking if there's someone outside or not.

"What happened Luna? Is everything alright?" I asked her, she turned to me, held me with my shoulders, I was shocked. "You won't believe whom I met today Amelia"

"Whom did you meet?" I asked, still have no idea what she's talking about. Then she held her chin, "I forgot to ask who was he" I exhaled loudly. "How will I even ask him, I was in my different form at that time."Okay was that the reason you came late?"

"Actually yes" She said while giving her innocent smile. "Okay whatever. You know the ball is this week only. And we both have to leave for Rosefall kingdom tomorrow"

"Oh best of luck then" I looked at her in annoyance. "What the fuck?? You are my sister, you should help me"

"And how should I help you?" She asked folding her arms, "let's run away" She widened her eyes. "Okay then go" She said in her casual tone. "Luna you are not serious at all"

"But why should I be serious? It's not my marriage right?"

I glared her. "Your glares won't work on me. Go and sleep, we have to wake up early tomorrow"

I sighed in annoyance and left her room.


"How come Princess Amelia and Princess Luna got late?" The Emperor said. "Thank god she didn't came" Jin mumbled. His father glared him."Go and find them" Jin widened his eyes. "Father how can you order your own son to do this? Don't you worry for me?"His father gave him a side eye. "I was just leaving. Well can I take my brothers with me?"

"No you are going alone"

"But whyyy??"

"Because she's going to be your wife soon that's why and now go. Your assistant will go with you"

"No way I can't let him go. Or else boss's plan will go in vain" His assistant thought."Let's go, Hwan gyu" Jin said to his assistant with no interest. "Ah" Hwan gyu fell on the floor, holding his stomach. "Hey what happened?"

"I don't know your highness, my stomach started hurting really badly. Ahh" Hwan gyu smirked secretly, Jin panicked. "Servant call doctor" Jin yelled at the servants. "Seokjin there are a lot of people to take care of him. You go and find the princesses"

"Father, he is more important than your princesses. Send someone else" He kept hwan gyu's arm around his shoulder and took him from there.


Hwan gyu's pov

"Namjoon, help me. Hwan gyu isn't well" Jin said, taking me to his room. "What happened?" I panicked seeing Namjoon as he can read our minds. I can't let him read my mind or else he will know that I am just acting. Oh wait I have that bracelet.I held it tightly, closed my eyes and thought about something. Suddenly I heard a someone's scream. I opened my eyes to see Prince Namjoon holding his head. I smirked. Boss gave me such a wonderful bracelet which can fulfil anything whatever I will think while holding it tightly.

Author's pov

"Namjoon!! Are you alright?" Jin asked panicking. Before Namjoon could reply, he fell unconscious."Oh no what is happening today?" He panicked and immediately called for his other brothers."What happened hyung? And what happened to Namjoon?" Hoseok asked. "I don't know he suddenly started screaming and fainted" Jin replied. "Where are others?" He asked. "We don't know your highness, we called them but they were nowhere""Call doctor. Someone call doctor" Jin yelled at the servants, worried for his brother.

[A/n: one more thing, Jin cares for everyone, especially for his brothers after one incident in their childhood, he worries for them a lot..]

"Hyung what happened?" Yoongi, jungkook and taehyung barged into the room. They saw Jin and hoseok laying Namjoon on the bed. "What happened to Namjoon hyung?" Jungkook asked tearfully."Ah why did you came here jungkookie?" Jin said to him worried. "Taehyung take your younger brother from here"

"But hyung-" Taehyung dragged jungkook from there. "Hyung why Jin hyung never let me be in these matters?" Jungkook asked making taehyung remember something."

Hyung he will be alright right?" Young jungkook asked his brothers while crying. "Jungkookie don't worry he will be alright. Please stop crying" Young Jimin said while having tears."

No I will not. I will only stop when he will wake up" He said while looking at his yoongi hyung who was lying on the bed, unconscious, no sign of him waking up."

I have decided" Jin said. "I will never let jungkook to be near any of the wars or related stuff. Because he can't see any of us hurt" After that incident with yoongi, jungkook fell into a trauma, it took weeks when he woke up. He forgot everything whatever happened. And the hyungs always made sure not to make him worry.

Taehyung came back to reality. "Jungkookie it's not like they don't want you to be there. It's just they are worried for you. You don't worry, hyung will wake up soon" He hugs his brother.

"Please hyung wake up soon. You know how sensitive jungkook is. I don't want him to again fall into the trauma he faced that day." Taehyung thought while consoling jungkook.