While I heard him speak, a feeling of confusion came over me. "What is the topic of his conversation?" I pondered, furrowing my brow in focused thought.

Seeing him, I was surprised. Where I thought there would be stress, he appeared calmly relieved, which was very different from my confusion.

He released a quiet breath, followed by a mysterious comment that increased my confusion. "It's fortunate you are unaware." "I prefer demonstrating instead of explaining," he stated with a mischievous smile appearing on his face.

My cheeks were flushed with warmth, and I was surrounded by a comforting feeling that I couldn't quite explain. "I confess to myself, I feel secure with him," I murmured, a slight smile appearing on my face.

"Are you paying attention?" "Alessandro inquired."

I was taken by surprise by his question and blinked, feeling disoriented by the sudden change. "Oh... yes, I am." *cough* "Continue," I stated, my voice polite but with a hint of embarrassment.

***AT HOME***

Seeing my father's joyful smile made me yearn to be the reason behind his happiness. "I desire to be the reason for his smile," I murmured quietly, the words tinged with a touch of sorrow.

Before I could ponder more, my father's enthusiastic voice interrupted my thoughts. "Everything went flawlessly," he exclaimed, eagerly turning towards me.

I wavered, uncertain if I should reveal the truth about Alessandro's romantic involvements. "It was successful. He was extremely kind. However... My voice faded away as I struggled between being loyal to my father and wanting to protect him from disappointment. The hidden truth weighed down the atmosphere, desperate to be exposed.

"But what will happen next?" Anger filled his voice, with veins visibly bulging on his forehead.

"What occurred, you female dog?" His loud roar reverberated while his fingers mercilessly gripped my hair.

"I pray you didn't do anything foolish because I promise I will turn your life into a nightmare in this house," he said with malice.

I had experienced his rage before, but this instance made me shiver. I trembled in fear as my body couldn't find safety from his anger.

Unstoppable tears ran down my face.

"I fabricated that he desires a quick marriage with me and believes I'll provide him with a good child," I said, eager to calm his anger.

I was surprised by how quickly his anger transformed into joy all of a sudden. I was truly scared.

I realize that you must have already offered your body to him for him to desire you so effortlessly seeing as... he stopped talking and glanced at my body, licking his lips.

It caused my body to shake in a manner that I recognized as unhealthy. How can he give me such a repulsive stare?

"Is it normal for fathers to do that to their own daughter?" I thought while still looking at him as he gave me the creeps.