27 Pull The Rat

Stepping into the core area, Jiang Yu did not look for the alien beast immediately, but opened his own attribute panel.

[Host: Jiang Yu. ]

[Realm: Junior general. ]

[Superpower: Ice G level (80/100)]

[Power: 12000. ]

[Speed: 260m/s. ]

[Mental power: 850. ]


Proficient level swordsmanship (600/1000) Proficient level boxing skills (520/1000)

Proficient level marksmanship (220/1000) Proficient level swordsmanship (240/1000)]


Mastery level guidance technique (400/1000) Primary source energy method (8/1000)]

The properties panel hasn't changed much.

It doesn't show his sense of smell, bite strength, etc., but his sword skill proficiency has increased by 80 experience points.

In less than six hours, you will gain 80 experience points. To the outside world, it can be regarded as an above-average talent.

After reading the attribute panel, Jiang Yu walked toward the center of the core area with a long knife.

Only there can you find high-level beasts.

Compared with the inner area, there are not so many strange beasts in the core area.

Walking on the road, Jiang Yu could see the bones of alien beasts on the ground from time to time, but rarely saw traces of alien beasts.

The entire core area was the center and most prosperous place of Jingtian Town before the rise of the alien beasts.

With the rise of alien beasts and the relocation of a large number of residents, this area was changed into the core area for student assessment.


Just as Jiang Yu was thinking, a low roar suddenly sounded, and a ferocious beast blocked his path.

This is a strange beast that looks similar to a mouse, but is dozens of times larger than a mouse, comparable to the size of a tiger.

The fur on its body is black and gray, its two front paws are extremely thick, and it has a pair of scarlet eyes.

What caught Jiang Yu's special attention was that the tail behind it was more than two meters long, and it was covered with barbs.

"Intermediate beast soldier level alien beast, plucked rat?"

Jiang Yu frowned slightly.

Like the shadow cat, the plucked rat is also one of the strange beasts that many warriors are unwilling to encounter.

It's not about how strong it is or how fast it is. But this guy is very smart and can dig holes very fast. He likes to bully the weak and is afraid of the strong, and he also holds grudges.

If it encounters a weak opponent, it will bite it to death.

If it is a strong opponent, it will quickly dig holes in the ground and burrow underground.

Its drilling speed is comparable to that of a ground drilling machine. In just ten seconds, it can dig a hole tens of meters deep in the ground.

The most annoying thing is that you can't chase it while it's burrowing.

Once you chase it, its butt will release a smelly fart that will make you suspicious of your life.

Even the God of War couldn't stand the smell.

Once upon a time, there were warriors who did not believe in evil and insisted on hunting down the plucked gopher while it was burrowing. In the end, he was directly smoked by a stinky fart and became the ration of the squirrel.

The most important thing is that this guy holds a grudge.

If you can't kill it on the spot, it will keep following you secretly, waiting for you to be in bad condition or injured, and then come out to bite you to death.

Therefore, this is also the reason why many warriors turn around and leave when they see the squirrel.

No one eats rat meat.

A very low-value, troublesome, and vengeful beast is one that many warriors are unwilling to face.

"Forget it, let's find other strange beasts to kill! This guy is too troublesome."

Jiang Yu muttered and wanted to stay away from the plucking rat to look for other strange beasts.


But the squirrel was not ready to let Jiang Yu go. He shouted, moved his limbs, and rushed towards Jiang Yu, as if he felt that Jiang Yu was easy to bully.

The tail behind it stands upright, like an antenna, standing high in the air. The barbs on the tail make people shudder.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Jiang Yu no longer hesitated. He clenched the long knife in his hand, preparing to give the puller a fatal blow.

There is only one chance to kill the squirrel. Once this guy is injured and sees that the opponent is not easy to deal with, he will dig a hole into the ground.

And once you are targeted by it, you will be in trouble later, especially in the wilderness.

Generally, when warriors go to the wilderness for a few months or a few days, they will choose to spend the night in the wilderness.

Imagine you are getting ready for bed at night. The gopher suddenly emerges from the ground, farts your camp, then turns around and runs away. I just stink at you. Are you angry?

There's no point in getting angry.

Unless you carry rockets, which are more lethal thermal weapons.

Otherwise, there's really nothing you can do about it.

Ordinary guns cannot break through its fur.

The gopher is getting closer and closer to Jiang Yu.

Less than five meters away from Jiang Yu, it suddenly stopped and looked back and forth at Jiang Yu with a pair of human eyes.

From time to time, a hint of cunning flashed through the huge rat eyes.

Jiang Yu didn't move and looked back and forth at the plucking mouse.

The distance of five meters is not far, and at his speed he can pass it in an instant.

However, if one hit doesn't kill the plucking rat. The gopher farts and runs away. He didn't want to faint from the smell.

Just like that, one person and one mouse looked at each other across the sky.


A breeze suddenly blew by, blowing down a fallen leaf and falling between a man and a mouse.

At this moment, Jiang Yu moved. He came to the squirrel in one swift step and slashed directly at the squirrel's head with his long knife.

Sensing the danger, the gopher turned around and tried to run away, but smoke began to come out of his butt.

But it underestimated Jiang Yu's speed. Jiang Yu, who was driving at full speed, didn't give it a chance to escape.

There was a popping sound.

A stream of red blood flew out, and the plucking mouse's head rolled to the ground.

At the same time, the green smoke from the gopher's butt also came out at this time.

The sour smell spread in the air.

When Jiang Yu saw this, he hurriedly stayed away from the squirrel and hid far away.

The smoke is getting thicker and thicker.

The sour smell is getting stronger and stronger.

The dead gopher fell to the ground and lay in the middle of the smoke.

Jiang Yu stood dozens of meters away, looking at the rising green smoke and letting out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he is decisive enough.

Otherwise, he might not need to eat for several days due to the smoke.

The squirrel was dead. Jiang Yu glanced at the squirrel's body, changed his route, and continued walking towards the central area of ​​the core.

His current assessment mission only has the last high-level beast soldier left.

outside world.

In a secret room in Huidu Base City, three mysterious men in black robes gathered around a round table.

One of the mysterious people said: "You two, do you all know about the special enrollment in Huidu Base City?"

"This special admissions student is named Jiang Yu. He is an orphan. He has no background other than his childhood sweetheart sister."

"What it means above is, let us find a way to strangle Jiang Yu in the cradle. We must not allow him to rise smoothly."

"Hanxia Kingdom already has enough talented warriors. Their existence has already affected the security of our Big Chicken Empire."

"We must get rid of these geniuses and create a gap in the young generation of warriors of the Hanxia Kingdom. Only in this way can we realize the wishes of our ancestors, set foot on the land of the Hanxia Kingdom, and achieve the glory of East Asia."


The other two mysterious men stood up and bent down.