36 Lei Xiao Martial God.

Zhang Ming is very fast.

It didn't take a few minutes.

He arranged a battleship and couldn't wait to take Jiang Yu to fly to Crescent Base City.

This is Jiang Yu's first time leaving the base city.

Sitting on the battleship and looking down, the entire Huidu base city looks like a siege.

Dozens of meters of high walls and a high-voltage power grid make the entire base airtight.

The residents living in the base city are like ants in captivity. Throughout his life, he will not be able to see the outside world.

Towering ancient trees.

In the wilderness, huge trees blocked the sky and the sun. Faintly, Jiang Yu could still hear the roar of strange beasts.

Zhang Ming sat opposite Jiang Yu, holding a glass of sake in his hand and looking very relaxed.

He vaguely remembered the proud look on Lei Datou's face when he brought people to Huidu base city to play gym three years ago.

Just have the word "proud" written on his face.

Now, things are changing. Three years in Hedong and three years in Hexi. Don't bully the middle-aged and poor. It's time for him to get his place back!

Zhang Ming's thoughts changed and he looked at Jiang Yu, who had been looking out the window, and said:

"Jiang Yu, you have been staying in Base City since you were born. This is your first time coming out."

"How is it? Do you feel that the wilderness is different from what you imagined? It is not as desolate as you thought?"

Jiang Yu nodded lightly: "It's indeed different! I always thought that the wilderness was a bare land. I didn't expect that the trees would grow so lush."

"The altitude of some trees is actually higher than the buildings."

Zhang Ming smiled: "When I first left the base city, I was just like you. I was curious about the wilderness and wanted to explore the wilderness passionately."

"But as time went by, I found that I was wrong. The wilderness is not as good as I thought. Under its beautiful scenery, there is a huge life and death crisis. It can eat people without spitting out bones."

"On the contrary, Base City is different. Although it looks like a cage, it can protect the safety of residents and give the weak a hope of survival."

"Jiang Yu, do you know how many casualties were caused by the alien beast siege that took place in our base city sixteen years ago?" Zhang Ming suddenly asked, his tone changing.

"Sixteen years ago!"

Jiang Yu's face straightened as he recalled the records about the alien beast's attack on the city.

That alien beast attack was also the main culprit that caused the predecessor to lose his parents.

According to records, at that time, countless alien beasts rushed out of the wilderness and launched a fatal attack on the base city of Huidu.

All the alien beasts seemed to be crazy, not afraid of death, rushing towards the power grid one after another, rushing into the base city, and attacking the residents.

According to statistics, the final number of casualties in that alien beast siege was as high as more than 3.86 million people.

"3.86 million people!"

Jiang Yu said firmly,

Zhang Ming shook his head: "No, it's not 3.86 million people, it's 4.02 million people."

"The data you know are only the casualties of ordinary residents. There are still 160,000 dead, soldiers and warriors. Among them, 130,000 soldiers died and 30,000 warriors died."

"Even the mid-level Martial God who came to support, Lei Gang, died in that alien beast siege."

"So, Jiang Yu, becoming a warrior is not only an honor, but also a responsibility. No matter how far you go in the future, I hope you can protect our safety."

"I will, Brother Zhang."

Jiang Yu nodded solemnly.

The atmosphere inside the battleship became very silent.

It seemed that Zhang Ming's mood became sad because he thought about the last time the alien beasts attacked the city, and he remained silent all the way.

With nothing to do, Jiang Yu looked through the records about Crescent Base City.

Crescent Base City.

It was established 60 years ago, more than 30 years earlier than Huidu Base City. The founder is a Valkyrie named Crescent Moon.

Its population is twice that of Huidu base city, reaching 400 million. Naturally, it has more warriors than the Huidu base city.

In addition, Huidu base city has not seen a genius-level warrior for ten years.

This has also led to the fact that in the past ten years, Huidu Base City has been dominated by Crescent Base City.

The president of Longteng Martial Arts School in Crescent Base City is called Lei Xiao. Because his head is larger than that of an average person, he is also bald. He is often called "Lei Big Head" or "Lei Big Bald Head".

A title is a title, but no one dares to underestimate Lei Xiao. Just because this guy is a Martial God, and he is also a Martial God with thunder powers.

His unique skill, "Thunder", once killed a lord-level beast.

Even with his fifty lightning whips, he is famous among the gods of war.

Just when Jiang and Yu were sitting in the battleship, they were flying towards Crescent Base.

On the other side, Lei Xiao also received news that the two were coming to play.

He immediately summoned dozens of talented warriors to the martial arts hall.


In the hall of the martial arts hall, dozens of talented warriors gathered together, each one of them was the pride of Crescent Base City.

Lei Xiao stood at the front, facing the other warriors, pointing to the big screen showing Jiang Yu's photos, and shouted:

"Everyone, you all must know this warrior. He is Jiang Yu, the only special recruit in Huidu base city in the past ten years."

"Many of you must have seen his fighting videos. However, I don't care what you think of him. I want to tell you some bad news now."

"He's here! He set out from Huidu Base City with full fighting spirit to challenge you and kick the ball in our Crescent Base City."

"You are all the pride of our martial arts hall. Now I give you a task to defeat Jiang Yu and safeguard the honor of our martial arts hall."

"We want the warriors in Huidu Base City to know that our warriors in Crescent Base City are the strongest. Do you have confidence?"


Dozens of warriors shouted in unison, the sound echoing through the entire martial arts hall.

Seeing the high morale, Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"Everyone, since you are so confident and want to fight for the martial arts school, I can't be stingy."

"I declare that whoever defeats Jiang Yu, I will give him a C-level strengthening agent, personally guide him to practice for a month, and give him a spot in the genius selection competition."


When all the warriors present heard Lei Xiao's words, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and showed fiery expressions on their faces.


Lei Xiao is simply a generous person.

A C-level strengthening agent is sold in the mall for up to 100 million. It can strengthen the body of a warrior.

The next two rewards are the most important.

Who is Lei Xiao?

A warrior-level figure! Being able to be mentored by him for a month is what many warriors dream of.

The number of places in the talent tryout is even more impressive.

It was a great time.

In the entire base city and hundreds of martial arts schools, tens of thousands of young martial artists compete for a spot, which is called the talent selection spot.

The warriors were ready to move.

At this moment, in their hearts. Jiang Yu is no longer a kicker. But a delicious pastry.

A huge prize.

Lei Xiao took in the expressions of all the warriors and changed the subject:

"However, you cannot underestimate the enemy and underestimate Jiang Yu. Although this boy is only eighteen years old this year, he has rich combat experience and strong strength. He is a formidable opponent."

"I'm afraid many of you are no match for him! The only one who can completely defeat him is Zhao Li!"

"President!" A warrior spoke up at this time, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face: "We admit that Jiang Yu has good talent. But he has only been a warrior for a few days?"

"All of us here are only around 20 years old now. Our strength has reached the level of high-level warriors, and we have been to the wilderness 2-3 times."

"In terms of age, we are not much older than Jiang Yu. In terms of strength, he is only an intermediate warrior, and we are high-level warriors. In terms of experience in fighting enemies, he has never been to the wilderness. We have been there several times to fight with strange beasts. Pass."

"No matter which way you look at it, how can Jiang Yu be our opponent?"

"It would be better if he didn't come. After he comes, we must let him know what it means to have someone outside of us."