In the morning, he was given a suit and went with HongTae at the company where the press were waiting for him. The press conference began and he was announced as the the heir and new chairman of HT furniture.

The news circulated globally since it was one of the best furniture companies in the world. Chloe was still scrolling on instagram and saw the posts, she gasped in shock.

Chloe.... Is this a joke? Jk is the son of HongTae? The rich man who owns HT furniture? Now his the heir? When did he leave L. A? So this whole time, i've been crushing on a goddamn tycoon? An heir to a wealth company? This is crazy!

They went home and told Alvin everything. 

Alvin.... For real? It makes sense how he was involved with the Gresie's, because they are rich.

Chloe.... You gotta help me meet him. 

Alvin.... Are you crazy? We dont have that kind of money, those tickets to Seoul are fuckin costly. We are still struggling with grandpa.

Chloe.... This is my chance to a good life Alvin, go and talk to dad, he has loads of money. 

Alvin.... You know that i cant, no, am not going to him. Its not like that guy even likes you, get a grip Chloe. Stop aiming higher, he liked Mava because they are of the same class. 

Chloe.... Will you help me or not? You know how clever iam, i will make him mine and i will be his heiress, just have a little faith in me for once, please Alvin.

Alvin.... Fine! But i will first drop by at the hospital to see granpa and Mava if she is awake. Wait.... do you even know about her condition?

Chloe.... You know that i dont give a shit about her, i don't even like her because Jk likes her. So... your seriously visiting her? Do you really like her that much?

Alvin.... Ofcourse i do, she is pretty and she is kind. She makes it hard for me to get her out of my mind, so, yes, i like her. 

Chloe.... Ew! Gross! Just get me the money, but if grandpa finds out about this, am not part of it.

Alvin.... No one will tell him, unless you backstab me. 

Chloe.... Are you crazy? I cant do that to you Alvin, you and pops are all i have. Now its time to get ourselves from the mud, because trust me, am aiming higher and Jk is our way to the good life.

Alvin.... Count me out because i dont like him and i want nothing to do with him, he likes the girl i like, that makes me angry. 

Chloe.... Look at you being protective of her, its irritating. Anyway, after all this, get away from dad, dont get attached because you know how dangerous he is.

Alvin.... I know and i will try to be careful. 

Chloe.... Good! Now get to work because am impatient and you know it.

Alvin went to his dad, he was rich, he lived a mansion bjt it was in the middle of a jungle.

Andre.... Son???

Alvin.... Hi dad. 

Andre.... Hey, serve him what he likes, what are you waiting for assholes? His my son, my heir.

Alvin.... Nah, am good. Am here because i ran out of cash dad and i need it because grandpa is sick.

Andre.... I see, looks like your bratty sister asked you to come, i know you two very well, yoyr my twins. But what annoys me is that you let her take over your mind, thats why i dont like her because i never liked girls to begin with.

Alvin.... It was a bad idea coming to you. 

Andre.... Hold on, that bratty girl will not go easy on you, you know bad she wants free stuff, are you really leaving empty handed? Just like that?

Alvin.... Will you help me or not?

Andre.... I will, but you must prove yourself first. And your becoming one of us, or else, am not helping.

Alvin.... To hell with that dad, am not that shit!

Alvin left, he went to the hospital angrily. 

Alvin.... How is my grandpa?

Doc.... Am glad that you stopped by, we need you first clead the bills before we proceed with his treatment.

Alvin.... Fuck!

Doc.... And it is due, today, so, if we dont recieve any payments by night, we wont attend on him anymore and he will be dismissed. Sorry young man, but i also dont own this place. 

Alvin.... I understand doc, am gonna find a way and bring that money. 

Doc.... But dont try anything silly. 

Alvin went back to his dad. 

Andre.... Acting tough at first, huh? I knew you would come back son, now lets get to work.

Andre was a thief and a drug lord, he stole and sold illegal items. He gave Alvin the money and he cleared off all his debts. As for Mava, it was already a month but she was still unconscious. 

The Gresie's bank was robbed by thieves at night, and all their money and gold was stolen, they were left with nothing apart from the money on their accounts, which they used to compesate their clients with.

The Gresie family was declared bankrupt, they were broke now with a patient who has spent now four months in comma. Eventually, Mava opened her eyes after all that had happened when she was asleep.

Ava.... Mava... omg! Your awake, finally!

Mava.... Ava... how long have i been here?

Ava.... It doesnt matter... because... your.... 

Ava teared up. 

Mava.... Hey, whats... wrong?

Ava.... Mava, alot happened.... and... you didnt wake up.... everything changed Mava.... we were scared that... we might lose you too. 

Mava.... Hey, am fine, okay? How long was it?

Ava.... Its been four months.... four months Mava and we had even lost hope.... 

Mava.... What??? Time flies so fast... but i was just here... laying on this bed helpless?