1. Just a weakling

"Next time you'll think twice before trying to stand up to me" A blonde girl said as she glared at me. I was kneeling in front of her with my hair completely roasted, bruises on my face and these two girls holding me down. Then I heard the blonde say "You're just a weakling and that's what you'll always be" I felt myself been lifted up and thrown into the air and I think I crashed into a wall. My vision was getting really blurry, but I could still see very well that blonde witch and her friends laughing at me and then they walked away. I woke up at the school infirmary later in the day; with my head seriously aching, bruises all over my body and my left arm broken.

I'm Bellatrix Gonzales, for as long as I can remember I've always been bullied. Because I don't have a special ability like everyone else. It's the last week of highschool so I thought I should stand up for my self for once. But I guess that landed me in the infirmary. Tomorrow's graduation and the last day of school, I just hope I make it out alive.

(The next day at Minotaur High School)

All the students were seated at the large hall as a middle-aged woman stood on the stage and addressed the students. "I am happy knowing that everyone of you has gained the knowledge you need to survive in the big world. Now go out there and be the best you can be" she said to. Everyone stood up from their seat and clapped as the lady left the stage. They clapped not because of the principal's speech, but because they were all excited that they were finally out of highschool. That's how the day was concluded.

A month later and I was packed up and ready for military academy. I was picked up from my apartment by a bus filled with other teenagers like me.

After the war it was compulsory for teenagers to go to military school for at least one before deciding what career path they were going to take.

But for someone like me it wasn't a choice I could make, I didn't have the money that would take me to college or get me a job. So the military was my only choice

Normally I would have expected us to have a long drive, but immediately after the door of the bus was locked, we were all teleported into a large building.

We all stepped out of the bus and admired the building. A few minutes after we arrived, we all heard a voice that said "You are now inside Demaica Military Academy"

And that is where it all began.