4. Day out

It was 4:05 and Audrey was already waiting for me at the gate when I got there"Hey Audrey" I said "Hi, so... why did you ask me to wait here" she asked "Oh we are going to get you a phone" I answered "Okay but I don't have enough money to buy one" she said "Don't bother" I said "I have some money we can use, plus I was planning on buying a new phone for myself anyways, so I can just get two instead of one" "Thanks" she said "Let's be on our way" I said as we walked out of the gates of the academy.

We walked for a while before we got to the mall "So what kind of phone do you want to get" I asked "I don't know, anything is okay" Audrey replied "Alright, but we'll have to buy something a little cheap, because I'm trying to save some money" I said. We got to the phone shop, searched for a while and finally bought the phones that we liked and I didn't spend as much money as I expected. We still had 30donros left. Donro is the new global currency and it's equivalent to the old US Dollars.

After the phone shopping Audrey and I went to a near by restaurant."So tomorrow you're going to weaponry department, right?" she asked " Yes I am" I answered "Ok, so why don't you have an ability, don't you have enough money to get an ability orb?"she asked "I actually had enough money to buy one. Two years ago I put all of my savings into buying a fire ability orb, but then it didn't work. When I got tested, I was told my body is resistant to ability orbs. I saved up for five years to get that money and was all wasted, 2000donros to be exact. So I can't use any ability" I explained it all to her "That's too bad, I'm so sorry" she said "Don't be, I've come this far haven't I. So how about you, when did you get your ability?" I asked her "Uhh, not too long, just about a month ago, I emptied almost my entire bank account to buy the electricity ability" she said "If you have an ability that cool, then why are you going for techies department?" I asked "I've always wanted to be in the techies, I got the ability so I can protect myself because I use to always get bullied and beat up" she answered, then I said "Me too, it's just that when people are stronger they try to beat you to a pulp any chance they get just because they're stronger and it's frustrating" "Exactly my point" she replied."Anyways we should get going now it's already 5:30" I said "Ok let's head back fast".

We walked for a while and we were finally got to the school gates but we just had to run into these guys. "Hey where do you think you guys are going" A girl in short black hair said as she blocked our way "We just trying to get back to the dorms we don't want any trouble" I said and two more girls stood behind her, they were all wearing trainee wrist watches "Oh we don't want any trouble either" the black haired girl said and her wrist band showed level 4, and the other girls wrist watches read level 3. "Just do everything we tell you" "Please just let us go" Audrey said. "Kneel in front of me and beg me to let you go" the girl said. "We're sorry please just let us go" Audrey said as she slowly knelt down in front of her, but I didn't. You know why because I was so tired of everyone doing this to me "This one's been brave, I see" the girl said "Knock her out" she said to one of the girls. One of the girls came close to me and I tried to punch, but I was quick to dodge which caught her off guard . I quickly took the chance and punched her in the stomach and then she fell to the floor. Then the other girl started a laser beam and threw it at me, I tried my best to dodge it, but it still did some damage. But I quickly gave her a punch and kicked her multiple times before she could do any other thing. "So want to play hero right" the girl in black hair said as she readied herself to fight "Let's see how you do against....." she was cut short as Audrey electrocuted her and she fell to the ground. "Where you waiting for her to tear me apart before you did something? " I asked Audrey in frustration "Oh my, how did you do all that, you took both of them out" Audrey asked in surprise "I might not have any ability but if there's one thing I've learned after been beat up my entire life, It's that Supernaturals rely more on their ability and they aren't very fast in attacks" I explained to her."We should better get to the dorms quickly, we don't wanna get into trouble." I said "Ok. I still can't believe we just did that" she replied

And then we both went to our separate dorm rooms and I went with only a few injuries.