6. My system

I woke up the next morning After that long night of sleep I felt so refreshed. I turned to my alarm so I could turn it off, but then I realized that it was just 5:00 so it hadn't even rang yet .Then got up from the bed but then this blue screen popped up in front of me.

[Good morning miss Bellatrix]

"What in the hell is this" I said

[morning stats check]

[name : Bellatrix Gonzales]

[age : 16 yrs]

[race : Hybrid]

[level : 1]

[points: 0/100]

[strength : 2]

[agility : 2] 

[endurance : 4]

[number of skills: ??]

[number of locked abilities : ??]

[number of unlocked abilities: ??]

"Am I still dreaming?" I asked myself. This stuff looks like some VR game or something.

"Layla wake up quick" I said trying to wake my roommate up. "What is it Bella?" she said halfway asleep "Look at this screen in front of me" I said to her "What the hell are you saying there's nothing there" she said "You can't see it?" I asked "If this is some kind of joke, then do it sometime else because interrupting my sleep isn't funny" she said and then went back to bed.

[daily mission]

[mission description: Run 20 miles]

[mission category: C class]

[mission reward: 500points]

[time limit: 24 hours]

[failure to complete mission: none]

'Is someone playing a prank on me?' I thought to myself ."My mind is probably just playing tricks on me" I said to myself. I didn't feel like going back to sleep so I decided to just do my morning exercise. "One... two... three... four... five..." I counted as I started with a few push ups.

[side mission]

[mission description: Do one hundred push ups]

[mission category: F class]

[mission reward: 50points]

[time limit: 30minutes]

[failure to complete mission: none]

'This must be a game, were I have to do missions and stuff' I thought to myself. if this is is for real then I can increase my strength. "twenty one... twenty two... twenty three..." I kept on counting.

[endurance +1]

[endurance +1]

[strength +1]

[Strength +1]

The screen popped up again "ninety eight... ninety nine... one hundred" I said as I fell to the ground because I was so exhausted

[mission complete]

[you just received 50 points]

"Finally" I said because I was so exhausted

[updating stats]

[name : Bellatrix Gonzales]

[age : 16 yrs]

[race : Hybrid]

[level : 1]

[points: 50/100]

[strength : 4]

[agility : 2]

[endurance : 6]

"This is so cool" I said. I had to tell someone about this but then I figured that no one would believe my and the only friend I have is Audrey.

I quickly grabbed my sweater and went outside the dorm. It was just 6:30 so it was basically just me and few people that were awake. I went outside the academy building and luckily the gates had been open by 6:00 and then I decided to test this thing out, so I tried saying something "Okay uhh.. Open" I said and then the screen pooped up again

[hello miss Bellatrix]

I think I'm the only one who's seeing this, so just play along and try asking it what it is I said to myself " What are you?" I asked though I felt dumb talking to myself

[I am The Asiar System]

[what would you like to call me miss Bellatrix]

"Woah" I said in surprise. This time I also heard a voice "What are you, what do you want with me" I asked her or it

[I am The Asiar System]

[I am your supporting system]

[my job is to help you learn how to develop your abilities]

"Abilities? what do you mean you mean. I don't have any abilities, I don't even have an ability orb" I said confused

"What abilities are you talking about?" I said to the system

[showing user traits]

[name : Bellatrix Gonzales]

[age : 16 yrs]

[race : Hybrid]

[level : 1]

[points: 50]

[strength : 4]

[agility : 2]

[endurance : 6]

[number of locked abilities : ??]

[number of unlocked abilities: ??]

[your abilities have not yet been unlocked miss Bellatrix]

"Okay and call me Bella" I said to it

[what would you like to call me Bella]

"Amon, I'll call you Amon" I said.

[updating system name]

[system name: Amon]

"Okay Amon, what's that daily mission from earlier today?"

[daily mission]

[mission description: Run 20 miles]

[mission category: C class]

[mission reward: 500points]c

[time limit: 24 hours]

[failure to complete mission: none]

I guess I'll be running 20 miles then. I only have till 8 o'clock till classes starts if I really want to do this I should better start now. So I started to run as far as I could all around the city, I didn't even know where I was going.

[1/20 miles]

[+25 points]

[3/20 miles]

[+50 points]

[5/20 miles]

[+50 points]

[agility +3]

It was almost 7 o'clock so I decided turned around and run back to the academy.

[6/20 miles]

[+25 points]

[8/20 miles]

[+50 points]

[10/20 miles]

[+50 points]

[agility +3]

I felt super fast and I still couldn't believe that this was happening.

[number of points earned: 250]

When I got back to the academy, I went back into my dorm room and Layla was up and she was already heading out.

It was already I took a shower got dressed and was ready to go to class. Plus I still had fifteen minutes before 8 o'clock.