9. First weapon

[name: Bardiche]

[level : 9]

[defense level : 6]

[offense level : 8]

[increases strength by: 8]

[increases agility by: 7]

[close combat weapon. A pole-axe, longer in shaft and having the narrow lower end of tall blade rounded inward and braced against the shaft. The bardiche is a powerful two-handed weapon effective at destroying shields ]

[would you like to equip weapon?]

'Nope' I said to the system as I continued to examine other weapons

[name : Staff]


[name : Quarterstaff]


[name : Sword]


I didn't see anything I liked until.

[name: Golden Halberd ]

[level : 15]

[defense level : 8]

[offense level : 9]

[increases strength by: 17]

[increases agility by: 10]

[close combat weapon, consisting of an ax blade balanced by a pick with an elongated pike head at the end of the long staff. two-handed all-purpose weapon that is suitable for slashing, thrusting, tearing and cutting.]

[would you like to equip weapon?]

It was right there on the wall the perfect weapon. "Found it " I said out loud as I took it off the wall "Of course... equip"

[Halberd: equipped]

[new skill unlocked]

[new skill : Halberd mastery]

[level : 1]

[strength +12]

[agility +10]

[you have made an amazing choice Bella, this weapon is very strong]

When I picked up the halberd It was a little heavy but I took it anyway because I was sure it was my perfect weapon.I

I was trying to get use to the halberd by swinging it around "Are you sure you can handle that weapon" Mr Alex the instructor asked "Uhh.... yes sir" I answered "Okay very well then" He said and walked away from me.

Not many people would pick the weapon that I chose. Most people chose swords, staffs, daggers, nunchucks, sai, maces, ring swords, tonfas, cross bows, spears and other cool weapons. Even those who picked battle axes like labrys and bardiche were mostly guys.

Some people already had their own weapons with them and didn't need to pick out any

After a little lecture on how to use our weapons in combat from Mr Alex "Now that you all know how your weapons work I want to see how you do in combat... I want two people to step out and spar" he said in a commanding tone. Then two people came out, one of them was a boy with brown hair and was holding a sheathed katana. The other was a girl with short black curly hair and was holding a spatha.

"Since most of you haven't gotten use to your weapons, For today's session no abilities are allowed as I said before your weapon is your second identity in combat"

They both stood in the center of the class "Take your stance" Mr Alex said and both two sword users took their stances and then unsheathed their weapons.They stood in front of each other, the boy with black hair was a level 3 while the girl was a level 4.

"Fight!" he said loudly. Then the two charged into each other and their swords kept clashing, they both tried to hit each other with their swords but they blocked each strike. Slowly boy was getting tired getting tired, which gave the girl the opportunity to strike and cut the boy on his arm and another strike on his leg causing him to stumble and fall. "Stop" Mr Alex said

After the fight the boy was taking by to the infirmary to get healed.

"Next pair" he said as two other people came out and it kept on going for a while. Until everyone had sparred, everyone except me.

"Okay you and her up next" Mr Alex said pointing to me and another girl.