19. First raid (V): The attack

[Halberd equipped]

[current stats]

[name : Bellatrix Gonzales]

[age : 16]

[race : Hybrid]

[level : 4]

[points: 8370/10000]

[strength : 48 +12]

[agility : 50 +10]

[endurance : 49]

[number of skills: 2]

{Halberd mastery}


[number of locked abilities : ??]

[number of unlocked abilities: ??]

"Don't move anymore than that and put your weapon down... now!" The leader said

I quickly slashed my halberd in Sia's direction but she moved out of the way just in time. Just as I thought.

Then the guy Roland, shot his blaster at me and I felt an excruciating pain at my back. But I had to endure, then I slashed my halberd at him and I managed to hit his legs causing him to stumble and fall.

Unfortunately for me at the same time he launched another blast at me, hitting my forearm.

I quickly put my focus on Sia again. She was a level 5 vision ability user which meant she would be able to see the attacks I would make about four minutes into the future.

Luckily for me she was not a very high level so she wouldn't be able to use her ability more than five times in such short time. So I'll just have to hold her off until then.

[new mission]

[mission description: Defeat all your attackers]

[mission category: C class]

[mission reward: 1000 points... ]

[time limit: 20 minutes]

[failure to complete mission: ... ]

"Don't let her get you, attack!" The leader said loudly

I slashed my halberd at her again and she dodged it easily. Then the other girl behind me Gina tried to shoot multiple beams at me but I was able to dodge them getting closer to her at each blast.

And then I got close enough to swing my halberd at her "Gina left!" Sia screamed from behind and she was able to dodge my attack. As I expected she had used her vision ability for the third time "Right!" , "Block!"...

I tried to hit her again but "Get down!" she was warned just in time and my halberd missed her by only a split second. And immediately she started to shoot at me with her blasters again non stop.

I was fast enough to dodge all of them but then the guy with the healing ability, Henry has healed his friend who I had hit earlier. Then he was up and ready to attack me again.

"Get her now!" Their leader screamed again

I quickly hit the girl Gina with my halberd making her to fall to the ground and she fell unconscious immediately. And as I thought Sia was cautious of using her ability for fifth time

I turned around immediately to see a huge rock been launched directly at me. It was probably Roland.

I knew I wouldn't be able to dodge this one, but just as it was about to hit me I saw a strong beam of electricity hit the rock; causing it to scatter and it's pieces fell to the ground.

I looked around to see what has happened and then I saw that it was Audrey who blasted the rock because she had her gauntlet blasters on.

"I gotcha back" she said "Nice!" I replied shortly, before focusing on the attackers again.

"Don't worry I got this one" Audrey said pointing both her gauntlets at Roland. Then I went back to Sia, I figured she must have already seen my attacks, so I made my strikes quicker.

She dodged and blocked my attacks but I was able to land one on her. Since she had already used her ability for the fifth time she wouldn't be able to dodge any of my attacks even if she tried.

I slashed my halberd at her a couple of times and she couldn't dodge any of them. Then I finished her off by punching her in the face.

Behind me Audrey had taken out the two behind me and all that was left was the leader.

He walked closer to me and unsheathed his katana "So you could take them out, let's just see how you do against me" he said

He slashed his sword at me but I dodged it, he strike again a couple of times but I was able to dodge them because I was faster than he was

He striked again but this time harder but I knocked his katana out of his hand. Then immediately he launched his fist at me but I let my guard down and I couldn't dodge it

His fist hit me straight in the face and with his super strength it was so painful. Then blood spewed from my mouth and I stumbled backwards.

Then Audrey tried to attack him from behind but he turned around and punched her so hard that she flew backwards and fell to the ground.

"Ahhh..." she screamed

After my short recovery I threw my halberd at Blake with all my strength and the pike pierced through his shoulder and causing him to fly backwards into the cave wall.


He made a quiet sound and coughed out blood. I pulled my halberd out of his shoulder. Then he fell unconscious after a few seconds

Then a blue light surrounded him and he disappeared immediately.

It wasn't a shock to me, because anyone who was no longer fit to participate in the raid would be immediately teleported out of the training dungeon we were raiding.

[mission complete]

[you just received •1000 points •Instant level up •Instant skill level up]

[updating stats]

[name : Bellatrix Gonzales]

[age : 16]

[race : Hybrid]

[level : 5]

[points: 9370/10000]

[strength : 48 ]

[agility : 50 ]

[endurance : 49]

[number of skills: 2]

{Halberd mastery}


[number of locked abilities : ??]

[number of unlocked abilities: ??]

[skill level up]

[Halberd mastery]

[skill level : 4]

My mission was complete and I leveled up too.

I looked back and saw that Audery was been healed by Diana. Then I walked close to the both of them "I feel so bad that I wasn't able to help" Diana said in a sad tone "It's no problem" Audrey said

"After the raid I'm going to join the weaponry class" Diana said to herself

I went to retrieve my bag which had 4 of our beast core stones and the team that attacked us left behind some stuff, one of which was a small bag that had 5 beast stones inside. Then I put them alongside ours.

And Blake's katana was still laying on the floor, so I picked it up and handed to Diana. "Have this... you can use this in weaponry class" I said to her.

It reminded me that I really needed my own weapon right now, the halberd I was using was the academy's property, so I needed one of my own. I'll deal with that when I get back from the raid.

I used 300 points to heal my self and since it was still late at night I went back to sleep


[name : Bellatrix Gonzales]

[age : 16]

[race : Hybrid]

[level : 5]

[points: 9070/10000]

[strength : 48 ]

[agility : 50 ]

[endurance : 49]

[number of skills: 2]

{Halberd mastery}

[number of locked abilities : ??]

[number of unlocked abilities: ??]

No matter what happens I needed to keep getting stronger.