21. The most hunted

"Losers like you shouldn't be at the top, you are supposed to know exactly how the hiereacy works" The leader said.

He shot the fire ball straight at my face without hesitation but I easily dodged it. Me dodging his attack made him furious.

I ran at him quickly and then landed a strong blow on his chest making him fly backwards hitting the wall.

As soon as I took out their leader the girl with the earth ability started to throw spikes made of mud at me but I kept dodging them. Then one of the guys came at me with holding two staffs made of ice and tried to strike me with them, but I was able to dodge his attacks.

He was still attacking when the girl with earth ability came at me with a dagger made of earth.

With both of them attacking me at the same time, I wasn't able to see their attacks coming and I got hit a few times. Then I remembered my new skill.

[skill: Third Eye is active]

[skill : Third Eye]

[level : 1]

[Third Eye allows you to see everything from third person POV. It is a helpful skill when fighting against multiple opponents]

It was a clear picture in my head, I could see the both of them and their attacks at the same time.

I was now able to see and block their attacks. It was all thanks to the raid that I gained new skills. The guy started to strike both staffs at me, then I got the chance and blocked the staffs just before they struck me and quickly pulled them out of his hand.

I quickly used one of the staffs to strike the girl with the dagger in her legs causing her to fall, then the boy with the ice ability created a spear and tried to hit me again but I landed a punch on his chest before the spear hit me.

"Get her dummies" The girl with electricity ability shouted

I felt something strong pull both my hands and I looked and saw it was pieces of steel come in though the windows and formed a chain then wrapped around my wrists and my hands were now spread apart.

Then the girl with electricity used her ability to electrocute me while the girl with steel ability held my hands.


I screamed from the pain that I felt. I couldn't imagine how much electricity was running through me. I could see Audrey and Diana been held back by the other two in the group.

"Ahhhh... Aahhh..."

I couldn't take it anymore

[skill: Dash is active]

[skill : Dash]

[level : 1]

[Dash allows you to jump up to 10 feet with double your normal strength]


I jump high into the air almost reaching the second floor and with the extra strength I easily pulled the steel chain with me. It took me a few seconds to regain my balance.

With the steel chains attached to my wrists I swung both my hands making the steel chains hit the girl and the guy who were just attacking me.

"Ahhh..." the girl screamed

I decided to hit them with the chain again and this time I knocked them out. 'Five down two to go' I thought to myself

I turned around to see the other two who were holding Audrey and Diana.

And I saw the one with water ability preparing a large water ball in his hand and shoot it at me, but before I could move out of the way, the ball of water surrounded my head and I held my breath.

He was keeping the water on my head for a while and I couldn't hold my breath any longer I felt like I was drowning and suddenly I felt the water drop from my face and the guy with water ability on the floor.

That when I understood that Audrey had zapped him. The guy with the body enhancement had surrendered on his own.

Even though Audrey had just taken out the last of them she was still in shock.

"How do you keep doing that?" Audrey asked "Doing what?" I asked "Been so strong" She said

"I don't know, I guess I just practice alot" I answered

I moved closer to the leader who was laying in pain on the floor. Don't speak of this to anyone, do you understand" Then he simply nodded

'Who am I kidding. No high level would be so dumb tell anyone that they were defeated by a grass level' I thought to myself

There are over five hundred students in the academy, I don't think anyone would care or believe low levels been strong.

I needed to keep a low profile for now since I haven't quite gotten as strong as I needed to be.

I kinda felt bad for telling Audrey that the reason for my strength was practice, when it was all Amon.

[All major stats. strength, agility, endurance were earned through the training you have been going through. It could have been achieved without the system]

The system always seemed to respond to my thoughts and it made me feel good.

We were attacked by this group today and was going to happen again. That's the thing about having power, you'll be a hunter and also be THE MOST HUNTED