34. Combat tournament (VII) Day two

The referee "The winner of this round is Diana Gales from weaponry class!"

I took a deep breath, feeling the familiar weight of my labrys, the double-headed axe, in my hands. The cool metal was reassuring, a reminder of countless hours of practice. I looked down at the red circle we stood in; it was deceptively small, a confined space that left little room for error.

"The next round is Bellatrix Gonzalez from the weaponry class versus Carly Gunz from the weaponry class!" the referee shouted, his voice cutting through the noise.

I glanced at Carly. She was small, lithe, and quick, her eyes sharp and calculating. The dagger she wielded glinted under the arena lights, its edge keen. Despite her size, I knew she was formidable; speed and precision were her strengths.

[name : Carly Gunz]

[age : 18]

[race : Human]

[level : 5]

[strength : 45]

[agility : 100]

[endurance : 30]

[ability : speed]

Carly and I stepped into the circle, the tension between us palpable. The referee raised his hand, signaling for us to begin. My heart pounded in my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

The moment the referee's hand dropped, Carly lunged at me. Her speed was impressive, and she closed the distance between us in an instant. I barely had time to react, raising my labrys just in time to deflect her initial strike. The force of her attack sent a shiver up my arms, but I held firm, using the momentum to pivot and create space between us.

Carly didn't let up. She pressed her advantage, darting in and out, her dagger a blur of motion. I focused on maintaining my stance, using my labrys to keep her at bay. Each time she lunged, I deflected, the clang of metal against metal ringing out.

"You're quick," I said, panting slightly. "But you can't keep this up forever."

She smirked, her eyes narrowing. "We'll see about that."

She changed her tactics then, aiming low. Her dagger sliced through the air, targeting my legs. I jumped back, the blade missing me by inches. Seizing the opportunity, I swung my labrys in a wide arc, forcing her to retreat.

For a moment, we circled each other, both of us searching for an opening. The crowd's cheers and shouts became a distant hum, my focus narrowing to Carly and the red circle. I needed to push her out, but she was fast and agile. One wrong move, and she could easily slip past my guard.

I feinted to the left, drawing her attention, then swung my labrys to the right. Carly anticipated the move, her dagger coming up to block. But it was a trick; I pulled my swing back at the last second and brought the axe down in a vertical strike. She dodged, rolling to the side and coming up in a crouch.

Sweat dripped down my brow, stinging my eyes. I blinked it away, tightening my grip on the labrys. Carly was breathing hard too, her movements becoming less fluid. She was starting to tire.

Seeing an opportunity, I pressed the attack. My labrys whirled and struck, forcing her to parry and dodge. Each swing drove her back a step, closer to the edge of the circle. Carly's eyes darted to the boundary, a flicker of worry crossing her face.

She was super fast due to her ability, so I decided another strategy was what I needed

Desperation made her bolder. She lunged at me, aiming for my midsection. I sidestepped and brought my labrys down in a powerful strike. Carly twisted, avoiding the blow, but she stumbled, losing her balance.

I took advantage of her momentary lapse. With a powerful shove of my shoulder, I pushed her toward the edge. Carly scrambled to regain her footing, but it was too late. One final swing of my labrys forced her to leap back, and her foot crossed the red line.

The referee's deep voice pierced the air. "The winner of this round is Bellatrix Gonzalez!" She unknowingly stood outside the red circle

The crowd erupted in applause as no one expected this kind of strength from a low level like me.

I stood there, chest heaving, sweat-soaked and exhilarated. Carly straightened, her expression a mix of frustration and respect. She nodded at me, acknowledging the victory. I returned the nod, appreciating the challenge she had presented.

As I stepped out of the circle, Audrey and Diana greeted me with cheers and claps on the back. I smiled, the adrenaline slowly ebbing away. The victory was sweet, a testament to the hard work and dedication I had put into mastering my weapon.

"Nice job, Bellatrix!" Audrey shouted over the noise.

"Thanks," I replied, grinning. "That girl was tough. It wasn't easy."

The rest of the matches continued, but my mind kept replaying the fight. I analyzed each move, each strike, considering what I could have done better. Winning was important, but so was learning and improving. I knew Carly would be doing the same.

The final matches of the day concluded, and we were dismissed. I gathered my things, feeling a sense of satisfaction. The day had been challenging, but it had also proven that I was capable of holding my own.

As I left the arena, I spotted Carly. She was talking to a group of friends, her demeanor relaxed despite the loss. Our eyes met, and she gave me a small smile.

"Good fight," she said as I approached.

"You too," I replied. "You're really fast. I had a hard time keeping up."

Carly shrugged. "Speed's my thing. But you've got power and skill. I could barely keep you off me."

We chatted for a few more minutes, discussing the fight and sharing tips. Despite being opponents, there was a camaraderie between us. We both respected each other's abilities and knew that the competition was about more than just winning.

As we parted ways, I felt a renewed sense of determination. The combat test was only one part of our training, but it was an important one. Each match was a chance to prove ourselves, to learn, and to grow stronger.

I headed back to the dorms with Audrey, after dinner Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new opponents, and new opportunities to test my skills. I was ready for whatever came next.

Author's note: Hope you're enjoying the story. Join my discord to get updates and teasers on the novel. Use the link below