Curse Of Haunting Whispers.

"I am sure everyone is already greatly fatigued. Yes, I know. It ain't easy. We have been assaulted continously by dreadful Nightmares, each one pushing us past our limits. Yet we have always been able to surpass our limits. We have always overcomed every dreadful Nightmare thrown at us. I do know some of you might just want this to end...and I assure you. It will indeed come to an end. But for now, I hope we can all endure the unease that we are all suffering from...and take a moment to rest. Am sure it hasn't been easy on any one of us...and after all these days of continous dread. We all deserve some moment of rest."

"You really won't want to do that." Zeras voice immediately tore through the air.

"And why wouldn't i." Rosaline questioned with a raised brow.

Zeras was just about to speak, when he suddenly had a wide grin on his face as he spoke.

"Just joking...we can all have a moment of respite."