Wraith...Curse Of Sorrow.



"That was definitely one hell of a battle." Zeras immediately dismissed his pair of daggers.

After all... one's artifacts usually recovers from any damage or loss of energy within one's soul space/realm...psyche...mental space.

Whichever one you want to call it...'

Zeras had a raised brow as he got a hold of the cursed shard...stored it within the SAFE OF ANTHERIA...and immediately got moving.

The pungent stench...smell only grew stronger. The stench of death getting heavier by the passing second. Eerie silence that sent chills running across his back. Desolate trees that seemed to have been sucked out of their live force.

Mushy ground that's gradually getting redder and redder...almost as though he's walking on...a land made of...blood.

His scelera moved up and down as he tried to keep track of his entire surroundings.

"who knows what I will even be encountering next.." Zeras mused with a narrowed brow.