Minion Ghouls; Attracting Preys.



He exhaled sharply, as he tried to catch his breathe.

Hia entire body is truly worn out. He felt as though he had just ran a marathon. Perhaps even worse than a marathon.

He closed his eyes for some few seconds before opening them after a deep exhalation. He seemed to have finally managed to catch his breathe...

He glanced at the corpses. Realizing the work he would be doing. He shook his head with a light smile on his face.

"At least all my hard works weren't for nothing." He muttered.

His hands gripped onto the pair of daggers removed from a "fallen." revenant warrior.

He immediately bent down and got to work...



Just as expected...since cursed corpses truly weren't as pure as cursed spirits. They mostly had was very rare for him to see any shard.

He slowly did his work with a wide grin on his face. Making one question if he enjoys doing this or what...