The Fall Of The Rotting Giants!!

His head suddenly bent to a weird angle...almost as though he had actually twisted his neck.

But the problem is...he actually never did.

He hadn't even known what to do...except for the fact that he knew that he had to try his best to escape from the inhuman grasp that held onto him...

But on the bright side of it all...the inhuman grasp that held onto him was finally released. As a loud wail tore through the air.

Zeras also couldn't help but pity the cursed corpse a little bit...after all, his face had been outrightly bursted apart.

That grotesque scene is more than enough for most to puke out the entirety of their inner organs...

Though this didn't affect him...he had perhaps seen worse…

He immediately dashed towards the Cursed Corpse.

A bright light suddenly flared to life as he bolted towards the cursed corpse...akin to a bolt of lightning as he suddenly appeared before the rotting giant.