River Of The Blind.

They seem to have finally reached where Zeras was taking them to.

He came to a stop as his voice tore through the air.

"Break apart the frost that covers the land. And jump inside the hole created."

"Bro...do you really know what you are saying. We are probably hundred of meters above the ground. And you want us to break open the ground and jump down.

Isn't that the same thing as courting death."

Haezel questioned with a narrowed brow.

Zeras didn't seem to have time to bicker with anyone.

The Shardborn golem could be seen rapidly approaching them.

Just some mere feet away from them. It could be seen that speed isn't really its forte...yet they didn't doubt its strength.

After all...they had all grown to know that everything does indeed have on or two imperfections...and if they had their imperfections...then they would definitely have their strong suit.