33. I'll Stand By You.

They went to bed for a few days, actually, and then they went out to harvest. Mimi had built a good-sized orchard with lots of fruits and berries grown very safely, so they were safe for her to eat. Damon showed Mariella Mimi's hidden little patch of raspberries. Those were full of plump, juicy fruit, and she had planned to just eat them straight from the bushes.

Those were good on so many things, not just for her, but they were good for boys and Mariella too. She had rarely gotten any raspberries, as Mimi usually ate a lot of them. Also, Mimi's strawberry field was impressive and there they would get a good harvest, again in smoothies, juices, jams, and jellies.

Apples, pears, cherries, plums, peaches, and even oranges, and lemons grew well, and they had a lot to be picked, including grapes and sea buckthorns as well. There were huge bushes of black currants and gooseberries that weren't just ripe yet but had little magic and energy and soon they were ready to harvest, too.

As Damon picked with the help of the energy sea buckthorns, Mariella looked at Damon quite long as those still affected her and she was now focused on picking and preserving, not getting fuck mode by berries. There were no honeydew berries, so Miss had been sly and Damon thought that he would have to get a few plants of those too.

Mimi slept soundly on the Violet velvet, and it took little. There was a little backup plan Mimi could only chop it one way, and that would be the right way. She would not get it broken in any other way, meaning there was no shortcut for her to decimate that velvet and fight herself awake. Of course, they had no idea how long it would take her to get resistance to it, but they were ready to change the formula slightly in case resistance would occur.

They went into the kitchen to make dishes and juices, fiddled around, and Mariella said, " Honey, isn't this fun? So damn perfect I didn't think it was possible. Damn, I'm enjoying this again for the first time in a long time. All of these berries and fruits and what we got here, this juice making is such a blast and I will make diluted juice in the fridge so there is always something to drink but no one will drink this concentrate as I put them away but my ready juices."

Number one was adding more stuff to the steam juicer, while number two was making jelly and smoothies for everyone, too. He often gave one to Mariella to drink too, so she had lots of vitamins and fibres and whatnot good stuff from those smoothies too.

Two grunted; number five was on Mimi's watch. Meaning he would have with him a small tablet, connected to Mimi's monitor and he would see if there was the need to adjust anything. He would be responsible for those adjustments and ensuring that miss would be fed, would be deep enough, and would be warm enough, too. They took a blood test every four days to see what needed to be fixed next as it was slow progress, but surely her values were improving.

Two said, " Isn't it nice to find other things to do than just bedtime activities? She might not like that we have gotten all her fruits and berries, as she tends to think of them as her own. And besides behind you, Mariella, that big chest freezer is full of frozen berries, so you might like to use them, too. This will be a new time for her."

Mariella turned around and opened the freezer, unloading berries and fruits there, and gave them to some Salvatore to be used.

Number two continued his musings, now smirking. "Think about when Missy wakes up and we can explore the stores. Think about it. Missy is in the hamster warehouse, unpacking boxes, and we are there to help send everything away, unpacking the warehouses to make room for new boxes. It's fucking fun to see what's in each box. You wouldn't believe how many times I've rolled my eyes and then again when it wouldn't occur to me to get everything she's got and then when it's good to have that stuff."

They had an easy month of doing whatever they wanted. The Violet velvet helped Mimi stay perfectly asleep, and Damon was very pleased with it. Her condition improved slowly but surely and thanks to their diligence, they would always give her stronger visceral puree as she could digest, fortified with Damon's blood. 

Soon, they would have a little lie-in with the lady on top of each other as she was 38 kilos already. Damon was eager to take the power and share it with the pack once he had had his share. Mimi had been sleeping in her bed for a week. She kept her temperature and was pretty good at sugar, but was always getting fed. They had kept her in an incubator for quite a long time just to get her weight up and now she would be ready to wake up and be fed and live in a pack once again. 

Mariella looked at Mimi in the bed for a moment and said, " Are you sure you want to do this? Mimi was weak last time, and now she's not. She can't be that nice and happy, just to know how to prepare properly for this job. It's difficult. I know it's not easy, but Damon, remember the realities. You can take the power a little later. She might not be very welcoming and she might be upset, actually."

Damon looked at his wife and smiled. He was amused, but it was also very sweet that Mariella was protecting him when it should be the other way around.

"Darlin, I'm fine, and I'm prepared. What do you think the lady will do when she wakes up, much weaker than me, and we are both naked? She is on top of me, in position...You know the lady's reaction to that, and you could come along. So if you want the lady to have a little..."

Mariella looked at her husband and said, "Oh, you're a nasty one, then. How will poor Mimi react if you take her in when you have weakened her first? When you know how reserved and prudish, she almost is. But yeah, you wouldn't believe how arousing it is to see you stick your dick in her cunt, and she can't help it. Put some more chakras against each other, and the lady's properly off balance. She will be in shock more or less. "

Damon laughed dangerously and said, " Do you want to see the room?"

Mariella nodded.

They went upstairs, and Damon first told Mariella about the gold ornaments. He didn't know how Mimi knew the vampire language, but he was impressed. It was very rare nowadays for anyone to know vampire language, and Mariella wanted to learn that, too. Damon was silent. Then he removed the spell from the door and locked it. He opened the door and let Mariella in.

Then he recounted a few memories here and there. Mariella's eyes turned white as she looked back at events from the past: his proposal, the music box, everything. When Damon told her that this was in the exact place where their original bedroom had been, she remembered how Mimi had, in a fit of rage, drugged out of her mind, more or less decimated that room. 

Mariela understood what a tremendous step this was for Mimi, and she hoped that there would be something left of this step. She had watched that argument repeatedly, seeing Mimi go into her shell. She wished she was a little more out of it, at least enough for Damon to have hope, because Mariela knew that if Mimi woke up fully in her shell, then Damon would reject her, at least for a while, because he couldn't bear to see her in her shell knowing it was his fault.

But somewhere along the line, it would be seen. Damon would not take Mimi to this room. He was going to take her to a regular room somewhere and then see where it went. But he was ready to take the power by any means necessary.

It was a couple of days later, and Mariella had commented little on the room. She had only sensed such a past, such a bond, that she was unsure whether Mimi was becoming a threat to their relationship again.

But Damon had resumed his normal life for a few days, watched Mimi, and they had fucked passionately, yes. But Mariella couldn't help but sigh, and the chilly feeling in the pit of her stomach felt like what if Mimi woke up all trusting in Damon and there was no room for her in that bed? What if Mimi took Damon for herself?

They got the room ready, and Damon had already turned off Mimi's anesthetic a couple of hours earlier. He carried his still-asleep wife to the bed where Mariela was already waiting, then he undressed and took Mariela roughly until Mimi moved slightly. It would be showtime. Mariella was so ready and their moans and groans filled the air in that dim bedroom. Sex smelled in the air. 

The name of the game was to get Mimi angry, and a wonderful way was to put her in the middle of sex. She'd smell what was going on in the room, and it would wake her up. The idea was to get her off balance enough so they could see the actual situation, and she wouldn't cover everything up immediately. 

Mimi was sighing in her sleep and trying to turn to her side, away from their passion. Damon smirked, oh this would be so wonderful, he was so greedy with that power and Mimi being all drugged up, he would have time to suck up some initial power and then when Miss would wake up more he would be well away harvesting those powers more. 

Then they would go from there. Damon got into a suitable position, and Mariella helped lift Mimi on top of him so that Mimi's legs were suitably open and the lubricant Damon had put on had done its job. Mimi was quite limp. He had given her one puff from the flank, so she did not know what was going on.

He put Mimi right in place and felt chakra after chakra lock, and their connection strengthened. He aligned the magic symbols and leaned back, enjoying himself. Power flooded into him. Her rage, vampire power, willpower, and everything else, too. He found her emotional wells and took from there quite a catch too. Making himself so strong that it was intoxicating, almost.

I started to wake up, and I was lying on top of someone again; I felt us, smelled the passionfruit, and knew I was lying on top of Damon, and we had quite a fuckload of chakras against each other. I could also feel him sucking my strength steadily. I felt him in my mind, in my rage well, my emotional wells, he was being quite damn greedy.

It's just that the more he drained them and got stronger, the more effectively he could draw them. And this was effective at the moment to suck my forces. I had quite a lot all little compounded powers as well, but I noticed my tanks had been cleaned, all of my little collections of energies had been taken and I was running on more or less Salvatore lust. Not my lust but Salvatore's lust and what little I had my lust. He took it too or put his own in the mix. 

I moved. I was so limp and not really aware of my position at all. And Damon growled under me. He murmured in my ear seductively," Baby, just think about your position for a moment. I mean, you'll see that I'm all ready, and I've already done a little bit of work, but just as you decide."

Then I noticed the head of his dick was right between my pussy lips. I felt it sink in a little as Mariella moved it. Mariella touched me too, trying to push my hips closer to Damon's.

Damon groaned and said, " Darling, well, let's take it slow, then."

I tried to be perfectly still and felt Mariella's fingers roaming my pussy, rubbing my clit, making me move a little so that the huge glans could now be felt properly as it stretched my fuck lips to the limit. My pussy had been filled with stimulants and I could not help when a slight moan erupted my lips. 

Mariella said, " So Mimi, this is so fucking super hot to watch you stretch, and you can't help it when Damon sinks inside you. And those moans of yours, you must be enjoying quite a lot."

Damon grunted again, and I was now having a bit of trouble thinking about what to focus on here. On the burn that I felt in my pussy, or on us, on our bond, or on trying to hold on to my strength and not let that take it all away. It was pretty overwhelming to have so many chakras against and this connection had gotten quite strong as I had been dazed when he had put them, so he had had time to get that connection on. If I had been awake, I could have limited that connection even a bit, but it had blown so open right now and this was almost overwhelming to me. 

I lay against Damon, sniffing his pheromone, and then let him take my strength away. After all, there was a lot to share. The nine months, the last stretch, and all those reprieves made my rage grow again, boomeranging my willpower and alpha power. And that six months of that damn jelly on top of that, I did notice that it had faded from my memory so he had found that at least and made it seem like I had been more tired in that time, then I realized that he had sucked hell of lot emotions out of that memory too. 

I felt he was rather euphoric as he pulled on my strength, and I let him enjoy it. I didn't move at all and just lay there. There was so much for him to take and I would get stronger quite fast, too. Minor power down would not be a bad thing. At least I did not feel all the time like a bomb ready to go off.

Mariella said, " Oh, Mimi, you have good self-control then, but that's okay. It just makes it more enjoyable. I can get things moving a little faster. "

I felt Mariella doing something behind me, and I realized she was drinking from Damon's femoral artery. And naughtily because the hot liquid flooded into me as he sank deeper as he moved. 

Mariella pushed Damon's cock even deeper into me, and I moaned and groaned. It was so thick and relentless, and my pussy stretched and slowly adjusted to the mighty plunger. It was as if this had energized Damon, who took and pushed all the way to the base, grabbing my head at the same time and kissing me with a fervor he hadn't kissed in a long time.

He started fucking me underneath and roughly. Passionate and kissing, we took a moment to catch our breath, and he continued to kiss me passionately. He wanted to eat me alive, or so it seemed. 

He looked me fiercely in the eyes and said hoarsely, " Baby, can you ever forgive the whole fucking argument? Oh, that I regret burning that letter of yours."

My lips were almost numb from kissing him so hard; he was so passionate that I didn't have time to respond, and he didn't even expect me to. I emptied his tongue glands, and it lit my pussy even more. We went on, and I didn't even notice when the number two had come on Mariela, and they were fucking like it was the last day.

Damon said, " We're not going to our room yet, baby. It's not time yet."

We'd been fucking for two weeks in a row, the entire pack, but this one had let me fuck very little with anyone else, especially the four of them. The entire pack wasn't always around, and the salvatores went off to do whatever they wanted to do. But that didn't bother me. I had had a few spouts with Charles, once with lepard and once with number two, and each time less than three hours. Number one was quite damn possessive of me again. 

I was sweaty, tired, and exhausted, but didn't want to sleep. I just rested on Damon and lazily said," Charles still has a better mattress than you, but I'm not complaining."

I smelled his pheromones, his sweat. This was quite damn nice to just lay here. 

Damon laughed and said, " How can he be better than not being here and you lying on top of him, all limp and fucked up?"

I laughed and said, " Anatomically, he's the perfect mattress, just right, but you're right, he is absent, perfect mattress. "

Damon stroked me and said, " Do you know how much, so incredibly much, I've always enjoyed this. Back in the early days when Mariella had come, I could see you going on top of Charles. I couldn't take it, not at all. And how much I've dreaded this whole year that I drove us apart with that outburst of mine. "

I thought about things and turned them over in my head, remembering how bad it had felt. How excited I'd been when I'd made that room. How I'd planned to take Damon there first and then show Adam and Charles the rooms.

But when I am Chaos, nothing ever comes true for me like it does for others. I'm not supposed to be happy and enjoy my life. I've had to pay for every moment I've been happy. Happiness doesn't come free to me; it never has, and I know it as sure as I can. And I have learned to accept it.

Damon said in my ear, " Baby. Don't overanalyze; this is just life, and we all have to pay for our happiness. Believe me when I say I lied to you when I said the seven years was partly a good time. It was a time, but now that I know what a good time is, it wasn't. No, indeed, and baby, it's gone. I'm trying to move on and show you I learned every damn mistake I made. That's how I learned. Because I've learned to finally and finally accept my feelings for you completely, it tears me apart when I explode in all the wrong ways and for all the wrong reasons."

He sighed softly before continuing.

"Where you overanalyzed every situation and wonder whether to react, I am now the opposite. I don't even think twice when I react and often explode. And there are bitter lessons to be learned. "

Damon looked at me searchingly and sighed. "I, baby, still know nothing about us. Sure, this thing will work out, but what about everyday life? And now that the entire pack is doing a lot of things, you'll notice the change pretty quickly, and baby, change is something you can't stand. I know that, and I know it well. But don't worry, you'll learn. That's what we've all learned."

I said nothing. I wondered as I lay there what would have become of us if it hadn't been for that fight and if I had shown it for the whole seven years. Would it have been too much, and I'd still have burned myself?

But I'd never know because I'd never do it again. I am me, and it's my shit, just my experience, and I don't have to share it, and I don't share. Because I'm pretty sure I would have destroyed our relationship with that, too. It would have been too hard, Damon's feelings and guilt. I don't even know what it would have driven Damon to do.

I would have been left alone again and watched him go to Mariella, retreat into his shell so deep I didn't even recognize him. It's better to keep all the bad stuff to yourself and maybe tell someone someday, but I will not do it again in a way that shows everything because no one, not even Charles, can take it. Not even anyone will. I just forgot that I was laying one damn powerful telepath, and he was listening to my musings in my mind. 

Damon said, "I don't expect you to tell or show anything, but I have a suggestion, baby. I will take this slowly, win your trust, and help you, but slowly. That way I won't be overwhelmed too and we can do this together as slowly as we need to. Do you want to hear my proposal?"

I said, "I can listen to it. I don't know if I'll agree yet. I have now concluded that no one is going to put up with my shit. So I'll keep it to myself. It is my burden to bear."

Damon laughed huskily and said, " Baby, one day at a time is my suggestion. Show me every day, one day, a different day every time from that time, just one day, and I'll help if there's anything I can help with. How about it, baby? I'm willing to take the whole seven years, day by day, and I'll help, but if you want to show me more at any point, I'll help."

I looked at Damon and said, " You don't know what you're committing to. Can you endure, for example, two months of hard, hazy pharmaceutical facility memories? My pain, confusion, those tests. Or are you trying to erase the whole thing? Because I've lived them and endured them. Now, Damon, this is going to be a big thing for me then. If we do this and I let you think about it for a few more days, really, really hard, can you do it?"

I got up and grabbed the sheet from around me. I went into the bathroom to shower and heard Damon go to Mariella. Luckily, I had a good bathrobe, so I could get dressed then and see what I was doing. I enjoyed the shower immensely. Now it would be time to start to enjoy my life on a whole new level.