Twenty-Four: Missing Persons.

About an hour later, as the dance was drawing to a close, Andrew and Spencer climbed into a bobbing ivory swan and set off into the Tunnel of Luv. The water beneath them smelled like lavender. Fairy lights were strewn around the entrance of the tunnel. As they floated into darkness, soft harp music nearly drowned out the techno song on the dance floor.

"I can't believe this ride still works." Spencer rested her head on Andrew's shoulder.

Andrew laced his fingers through hers. "I wouldn't complain if it broke down and stranded us here for a couple of hours."

"Oh yeah?" Spencer teased, punching him playfully on the arm.

"Yeah." Andrew's lips found hers, and she kissed him back. A warm feeling of well-being slowly pulsed through Spencer's veins. Finally, everything in her life was right—she had a great boyfriend, a fantastic sister, and her best friends back. It almost didn't feel real.

The ride ended way too quickly, and Andrew helped Spencer out of the swan. She checked her watch. Ali wanted them to meet at her car in five minutes. She leaned in to kiss Andrew good-bye. "See you tomorrow," she whispered. She was dying to tell him the truth about Ali, but she'd promised to keep her mouth shut.

"Have fun," Andrew said, kissing her softly.

Spencer turned and started for the door, then teetered to where Ali's BMW was parked. She was the first one there, so she leaned against the trunk and waited. It was freezing out and her eyes started to tear. Emily skipped up next. Her hair was mussed, her makeup was smudged, but she looked overjoyed. "Hey," she chirped. "Where's Ali?"

"Not here yet," Spencer answered. She crossed her arms over her chest, hoping Ali would show up soon. Her feet were quickly turning to ice.

Hanna arrived next. A few minutes passed. Spencer pulled out her cell phone and checked the time: 9:40. Ali had instructed that they meet her at 9:30, sharp.

"I'll text her," Emily said, typing into her phone.

A moment later, Spencer's phone bleated loudly, making everyone jump. She lunged for it, but it was her home phone number.

"Have you seen Melissa?" Mrs. Hastings asked when she picked up the line. "I haven't seen her all day. I've tried her cell phone a few times, too, but it's gone straight to voice mail. That never happens."

Spencer gazed toward the tent. Kinds were streaming into the parking lot, but Ali wasn't among them.

"You haven't gotten any calls from a hospital?" Spencer said into the phone. If someone had checked herself into the Preserve, the staff would have to notify the family so they wouldn't worry, right?

"A hospital?" Mrs. Hastings's voice peaked sharply. "Why? Is she hurt?"

Spencer squeezed her eyes shut. "I don't know."

Mrs. Hastings told Spencer to call her immediately if she heard from Melissa, then abruptly hung up. Spencer could feel her old friends' eyes on her. "Who was that?" Emily asked quietly.

Spencer didn't answer. The You're dead, bitch photo floated into her mind nice more. The last time she'd seen Melissa was when her sister had driven her to school and warned her to be careful with Courtney. After that, Melissa had been oddly absent. Was she at the Preserve…or was she somewhere else? What if she was here—watching Ali right now?

"Is everything okay?" Hanna asked.

There was a golf ball-size lump in Spencer's throat. She gazed toward the tent again, desperately hoping to see Ali's blond head along the crowds of kids.

"Everything's fine," she murmured, her heart beating faster and faster. There was no use getting everything freaked out quite yet. Come on, Ali, she thought frantically. Where are you?