Valley of Elah

Evening descended upon the Valley of Elah. A hushed anticipation draped itself over the encampments of both the Israelite and Philistine forces. The sun dipped below the horizon.

Within King Saul's encampment, torches were lit. A subdued murmuring floated through the ranks—prayers, whispered conversations, and silent preparations for the looming confrontation against Goliath. The thin river between the two encampments was a source of worry. One step, one splash, and the world was alert. 

At first, the trio sat separated from the Israelites. Marta had made a strong impression on the men; fear, unease, and a dash of awe. But it wasn't sufficient.

According to Kazi, pottery was widespread in this era. It existed but it wasn't portable so soldiers didn't carry food with them. Their only option was to send a batch of soldiers to a nearby village for resources, or gather food themselves. Both options had their own risks.