Ksenia Cleans Up House III

Ksenia peered over her shoulder. "Your Highness, if there's a time to run to a secret entrance, it would be now."

An unknown level and a Master Axeman, his abilities appeared supreme on paper if not for the cane he kept on him and the fragility of his legs. The old, washed-up High King shook his head and stayed in his seat. "I will die as a king, not a coward."

Ksenia didn't have the strength to argue. "Fine."

The three players that arrived were a bit hasty in making their move. Ksenia might have been the sole player—injured, to boot—but she was not helpless. Her MP hovered a little over 180 and the grappling-specalized Imperials did not yet realize she had formulated a counter against their fighting style.