



If he tried, he could do anything. That was what he had been told all his life. For a time, that had been the case. At the age of fifteen, under the guise of his Master, he controlled a quarter of the textile industry in Bangladesh. Thinking that his destiny went beyond Bangladesh, he made plans to leave. When he was sixteen, Kazi forged the necessary documents to go to America and attended dozens of trade schools and earned licenses for nearly every vehicle conceivable in a little over a year. From the ages of seventeen to twenty-one, he explored all of the Americas as a mercenary. He found the lost city of El Dorado at the age of twenty, promptly quitting his job as a mercenary and becoming an assistant archeologist.

There was seemingly nothing he couldn't do—and that included winning a navy battle without killing.

[ Status: Kazi Hossain

Class: Mage

Level: 75