And The World Went Black

The black bar at the corner of her vision emptied itself and the once mended portion of her katana faded away. Her attack had landed. Flesh had split apart.

[ Warning! Powerful surge of magic! ]

But it failed to reach Jack's heart.

In a burst of darkness, she stumbled back and cold, black energy embraced Sun-young. Her knees dropped to the ground, almost snapping in two. She coughed and wheezed, her lungs hurting. Her vision was beginning to fade and her ears numbed.

"Mastered Flow of Mana. I didn't think I would have to use it. This body doesn't have the mana necessary to facilitate long-term usage of it." His voice. Jack's voice was a bleak reminder that she still existed. That she was alive. "But it is enough to destroy a phoenix, an army, and most certainly anti-magic."