Chen Yixi I

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Chen Yixi. I drive trucks all day.

And I have wasted my life. 

"No, no. The doctor would kill me," Chen Yixi muttered to himself. He sighed and ran a hand through his thinning hair. He erased everything and began again.

Except he could not find it in himself to start with something. His hands had grown wrinkly and he hadn't written or read in ages. "This is what I get for not living."

Not making friends. Not making hobbies. Simply living for the sake of it. Living because there was nothing else to be afraid of.

His world was devoid of meaning. His future was devoid of hope. How could he write if he was an empty husk? He talked to no one. He heard no one. 

Chen Yixi's existence was no one. A hollow slave to the company he worked for. Travelling across the country and finding nothing in it or himself. 

Until this evening. Until he heard a knock from his door.