Learning to Protect

Kenzo was torn between helping his friend and focusing on his own battle. He swung his sword and attempted to threaten two of the Booas in front of him away. 


He was tackled by surprise and fighting for his life. Immediately, he pressed his blade to the throat of the hungry hyena biting at him. Pushing, pushing, pushing, as the hyena snapped its jaw open and shut, open and shut, wanting the same taste of flesh its comrade had. It succeeded and snatched off two strips of flesh from both shoulders.

Kenzo grit his teeth. He tried to kick it off and failed.

"Radiant Blast!"

Sarah blasted the Booa in the back before Kenzo could be ravaged. The Booa growled and in that moment of weakness Kenzo finally kicked it off. 

However, all three of the Booas that Kenzo had been dealing with had turned to the ladies.

'Three against three,' Pauline noted. 'Sylvia still needs time for her magic circles…!'