After Night

The night went on full. The Yumboes sang traditional songs, their voices high and melodic, while the players (once awake) recounted their battles. Jackson was unsurprisingly the biggest story-teller. The guy had a way with words and metaphors in a southern way. The festivities only applied to the able ones. Akihiko and Kenzo, Sarah, and Pauline had to be tended by Kazi. As Kazi suspected, Sylvia forgot, or rather, preferred to drink over helping Pauline. Kazi tried not to judge too harshly.

Morning came, bringing with it the dark light of dawn. The village was quiet, the only sounds those of the gentle breeze and the occasional snore from the drunken revelers. Kazi slept for half an hour before waking up and going outside. Everyone else slept well into the evening. Emma, Remmy, Kibiwott, Akihiko, and Kenzo, all the players who thought they could volunteer for the midnight-sunrise patrol failed to. They were only human, after all.

Kazi was a little bit more than that.