Unfolding the Potions

"Tomorrow, a fighter will come to you, seeking a potion for the Dark Tower. You must explain to him what the potion does and how it will help."

Shaoruo nodded eagerly. "We will, Mr. David. But...what exactly does the potion do?"

Dasha looked at the boys. "Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yes," Heng said. "We don't want to sell something faulty."

Dasha continued, "...you see, the fighter that will be sent to you is someone I have bet heavily on. The potion, I hope, will push him past his limits." The potion appeared to be the same as the ones they kept: blue and shimmery. "The potion is of the same principle but enhanced. It focuses on quickening reflexes and sharpens the mind. For long term and short term, it is perfectly tailored for the Dark Tower."

"High regen?" Sharouo asked.

"Faster regeneration, yes," Dasha corrected in his own technical way. 

"So you wish to rig your own bet?" Heng asked, smirking. "I'll be damned—"