North of Lake Shinji

"The key is the north."

North of Lake Shinji at an area with a river connected to the lake.

"We have metals get thrown into the waters. We start here, from the north, thousands of them. Then we have someone get chased by the Bake-kujira all the way to north with the weapons acting as a sort-of trail…" Kazi pointed to the middle of Lake Shinji where the Bake-kujira was and slowly went northmost of Lake Shinji. "Until it arrives close to land and waters that we have already controlled."

"Are you certain your woman friend Jules will be able to do this?" Kurōtarō questioned.

"Positive. Jules has the aerial maneuvering while Matty can provide exceptional defensive protection. They're a match made in heaven."

"May I ask the point of tossing so many of our weapons into the sea?" Lord Mikinosuke asked.