On his back, he felt greenery. Soft petals of grass. Above him, he saw and felt red. Flaming, hot red that he smelled and tasted and could not move away from.
The red fell. It fell. It fell. It fell. He faded in and out of black.
Ah. He could feel his arms again. Just what…?
"—teardrops are working. That's—"
His eyes flung open and he flipped to his feet. What stood in front of him was a seven-foot tall phoenix, trails of thick red running down its face. The moment Kazi rose, mana crackling, the phoenix snarled and pointed its beak at him.
"Relax, Feenie."
A dark hand appeared to comfort the bird. Matty alongside Jules who smiled at his awakening. "You're okay! Thank goodness! We almost thought you died! Are your arms okay?"