"If anything goes wrong, then cast your cooperative spell and blow that shitter up," Booker said. "I'm fetching my sniper."
Try not to die in the meantime is what he was saying.
After all, without Booker, a huge margin of support would support. Although at this rate, with the momentum growing and the confidence building, they might not need him. Which was why he decided to go now.
'We're at the two minute marker. According to the professor Kazi consulted, the plague takes a bit of build-up. Four or five minutes depending how strong it is.'
"Phew." Samantha gently set down the empty potion glass. This whole time, the boat they were on did not rock from the chaos of the waters nor did the long-range magic cease. See, this massive boat Booker was on was conjurated and transmuted. A group effort.