A tiny gap. A tiny mistake. Jules had to ride that mistake to the limit.
"J-just how thick are these clouds…?"
Kazi, what in the world was he? How did he do all this? Unfathomable lengths of grey surrounded her.
Feenie obeyed, rising up, up, up and then…
Warmth swarmed over her. This was it. This was the sun. Seeing the bright comfort of orange light and then remembering how it felt...
"Finally…" Jules smiled and relaxed. "Take it all in, Feenie."
The rain had weakened her to an unfathomable degree. Reaching this high took almost all over Feenie's energy. After this final attack, she probably wouldn't have the stamina to move.
Her hands came together. Casting buffs through incantations and magic circles. To be capable of strengthening their tamed companion with force of will and natural mana was another. "Burst Mode—activate!!"