This realm of Yomi…

This realm of death…

Everybody was dying. The realm of death. The goddess who loomed and watched and relished the sight. No transgression could be committed against her. It was not allowed.

Izanagi. Humanity. None of it could defy her. 

Waka-ikazuchi towered in front of him. Two feet away, two steps away. The ash that picked up from his steps tensed Kazi's senses. Every looming part of death caused his body to react in some way.

But his left eye did not pulse. His brain did not go into overdrive. His Divine Healing Circulation did the opposite and started to weaken. The future…

There was no future against this thing.

"You give up, mortal?"

This darkness.

This world.

This hell.

His hair lost its luster and shine. His eyes blackened. 

"Where in the world am I…?"

"You are in Yomi." 


A tilt of the head.

"I refuse to be here. I refuse to be in such a place."