
It appeared a couple secret service agents were sent to patrol the halls. No suspicion was cast on the man and walking hastily walking through. A man and a woman together at a ballroom party in a mansion and hurriedly moving was a dime a dozen. 

Kazi made a sharp turn, entered a room, and closed the door behind them.

Pauline blinked rapidly, realizing this was going way too fast. "H-hey, hold on—"

That was when Kazi let go of her hand. Kazi sped-walk over to the window and started unlocking it. Pauline stood there, blinking in complete confusion. The room was empty of people and decorated with pleasant furniture. So...why the window?

Click! The window opened.

"Oh. Huh, I thought you were going to—"

"See the butlers?" Kazi interrupted. She was still several steps behind, literally and figuratively. "They're out for a smoke. Their limos are unguarded."

"What are we talking about here?"

"I'm talking about planting meth."