Proper Education for the illegitimate lady


"Ah…" A small painful moan escaped her lips, she struggled to get up from her bed, she raised her skirt slightly and her eyes narrowed. The wound from the sprain in her ankle had somehow worsened but she knew she couldn't be loud about it.

 If she claimed she fell in the house to suffer such a serious wound, she would be tagged as clumsy and stupid, yet she knew she couldn't tell them she was pushed either.

Izekiel had promised to keep her secret, but she still wasn't so sure she could trust him. Perhaps she was curious about what he would want from her shortly.

"Lady Rain," She gasped slightly when she heard a strange voice from the other end of the door, she gathered her skirt back to her legs and wrapped herself in her blanket.

"Lady Rain, My lady…" The voice came back again and this time it was accompanied by a knock. "Are you in?"

 Unsure of what to do, she straightened her back, frantically looking towards the door, the maids hadn't been in her room since the previous night, and they didn't come to wake her up like they usually did.

Could this person be an intruder?

On another thought.

Why would an intruder be knocking on her door?

"Lady Rain…" The knock came down harder, and Rain flinched, this time she summoned the courage to speak.

"C-Come in." she squeaked and the door opened slightly, a bright purple hair and a pair of blue eyes, the lady came into her room with a nervous look on her face.

As soon as she noticed the little lady on the bed, she bowed her head slightly to pay respect to the lady.

"My name is Marine, I am a newly requited maid, and I was appointed to serve you by the Duchess." She explained her head still bowed softly. "If there is anything you need please do not hesitate to let me know."

"You were appointed to serve me by the Duchess?" Rain asked curiously, she couldn't believe it. "The Duchess asked you to come to me?"

"That's correct, my lady."

"Are you sure you are not mistaken?" She squeaked again, from what she remembered the Duchess never liked her, but from their discussion the last night, she agreed to take responsibility for her.

So soon?

"I will start by preparing your bath, my lady." Marine straightened her back, as she strolled towards the bed. "Breakfast will begin in two hours, you should be ready before then."

"Breakfast?" She squeaked again, she cleared her throat. "I am not allowed to join the family for meals unless I am called upon, I usually eat in my room." 

"Her ladyship sent me here to make sure you're ready for breakfast," Marine answered. "I am pretty sure you are being invited to eat."

 Marine was a much older lady, she seemed to be in her early twenties if she was already in her twenties, Rain couldn't tell. She sounded mature enough though.

 Rain remained seated in the bed, she didn't know how she was going to hide the wound in her ankle if she was already summoned to come to the dining hall.

"Your bath water is ready," Marine came back after some minutes in the bathhouse, she was quite efficient and diligent in her work.

"Please let me help you have a bath."

She began to peel off the blanket from Rain's small body, and she helped her up, Rain had completely forgotten about the sprain in her ankle and she fell immediately.

"My lady!" Marine yelled in alarm as she tried to help the little girl up. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, I am." She whispered and winced again as she got to her feet. "I sprained my ankle last night."

Upon hearing this, the kind maid raised the girl's skirt, and her eyes widened in shock once she saw just how bad the wound had gotten.

"You may need a physician for this…" She held the girl's shoulders lightly, boring holes into her. "How long as this been like this, My Lady?"

"Uh… Last night." Rain squeaked, a small blush appearing at the tip of her nose and ears, this was the first time someone worriedly fawned over her. Somehow the pain in her ankle didn't hurt anymore, she was overwhelmed with a warm feeling in her chest.

"I will need to call a physician, it could get infected." Before Marine could leave, Rain stopped her immediately.

"No, please." She squeaked holding tightly to the maid's hands. "I don't want anyone to know about this."

"But it looks so bad." Marine reminded.

"Isn't there any first aid you could give me?" She asked curiously and the maid paused for a while, once again she examined the wound.

"It would be more effective if a physician does it."

"Please…" Rain pestered. 

"Alright, My lady." She finally agreed. "If it doesn't get better before the end of today, then I will call a physician."

"Okay." Rain agreed.

"Then excuse me one moment, my lady." Marine bowed her head slightly again before leaving the room again.

"Good morning, brother Izekiel." Rain muttered as she joined the dining table, it was only Izekiel that was at the table.

"Oh, Rain darling, good morning." He grinned at her, closing the papers in his hands. "I trust you had a great evening."

Rain's heart skipped a beat as she recalled she met him in the evening.

"Y-Yes, I did." Izekiel noticed her nervousness and then he patted her head.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell father anything." He whispered into her eyes, and he raised her skirt slightly with the tip of his shoes. "What about your ankle?"

"I feel much better today." She lied, he noticed the band-aid on it but he didn't object to the statement. "Thank you, brother."

"Good morning, Big brother!!" Lily came dashing across the hall, she was as energetic as ever, Izekiel chuckled as he caught her in his arms and pulled her to his lap.

"Princess, what did I say about running around the dining hall?" He asked curiously, playfully and friendly at the same time. Lily just laughed it off like nothing.

"I haven't seen father all day." She muttered. "He wasn't in the study nor was he in the library."

"Father traveled this morning, he set off before the break of dawn," Izekiel muttered as he set Lily down to her feet.

"Rain!" Lily sounded excited to see her sister at the table, she didn't notice her at first but now that she did, she didn't need to speak to Izekiel anymore. "How are you?"

"What is the commotion about?" Iris asked as she approached the table, she was dressed beautifully, and her beauty was so great that everyone kept quiet as soon as she walked in. "You guys are always so noisy."

"Sister Iris…" Lily jumped out of her chair again and went to hug her sister.

Iris's purple eyes danced in the direction of Rain and they hardened immediately.

"Who said the peasant could sit here?" She asked making Rain's heart skip a beat.

"Mother did," Izekiel answered. "There is no need to start something you can't finish, Iris, Mom had given up, and you should give up too."

 "Are you going to make fun of me in front of our father's bastard daughter?" Iris asked she was ready to bear her claws at her brother if the need be. "Are you going to insult our honor?"

"Enough of this nonsense, Iris." They heard their mother's voice, and all of them fell silent. "Everyone sit down and have breakfast."

The dining hall became silent, and the kitchen attendants served out their meals.

"Rain." The Duchess called out during the meal, making Rain jolt in fear.

"Y-Yes, Duchess."

"You should call me mother from now on." She answered with a tight look on her face. "Go ahead, and try."

"Y-Yes, M-Mother…"

"Are you satisfied with the maid I got you?" She asked and Rain nodded immediately.

"Yes, I am, Mother." She answered with a light smile, to ease her tension and to hide her fear.

"Good, but I see you haven't learned anything in your etiquette classes." She answered. "Your back should be straight at all times when you eat. You shouldn't bend to the meal."

Rain straightened her back immediately, she had completely forgotten about the classes and how important nobles considered this unnecessary thing.

"I plan to make you enroll, in South Aubreun Academy." She declared making every head in the room reel in her direction.

"Are you serious about that?" Izekiel and Iris both chorused.

"Yes." Duchess Rebecca answered as she continued her meals wordlessly. "Maximum education will be required for her, and thankfully she is still at the age."

"But mother, we attend that school," Izekiel argued. "Are you planning on placing her on equal grounds with us?"

"Yes, I am." She answered. "She might not get the rest of the things you get, but she is entitled to study in that school."

"Mom, the soon-to-be crowned prince of the empire studies in this same school," Iris started with irritation in her voice. "Do you think it is right to send the daughter of a harlot to such prestige? Isn't that a mockery of the Royal family?"

"No one will know who her true lineage is if you don't make it a big problem." She snapped at her children, the only person who seemed to be excited by the information was Lily.

Rain would be allowed to go to school to seek formal education.