Don't hurt me


"Good evening, your grace." A lady entered into the room, the Crowned Prince had left her in front of her room, he left in a hurry, she wasn't so sure if he was angry or not, but she didn't want to pry any further just in case he decides to take his curiosity to another level.

"My name is May," she said as she lowered her head respectfully, "I will be your assistant through your stay in the palace." 

"Thank you, May, I am Rain." She said as politely as ever, but May on the other hand didn't want to be friendly with her, considering she was the fiancé of the crowned prince.

The Crazy Crowned Prince…

He could behead them for just looking at her too much.

"I will provide you with some blankets and a tray of fruits." She added with a slight pause. "Is there anything you will like to have in particular?"