Clouds of despair


"Kill every last one of them," The bandit leader yelled, pulling his sword out from the gut of a dead soldier, and he wiped the blood on his face away. Angrily, he strutted towards the carriage, where the princess was supposed to be.

 According to the rumors he heard, the bastard daughter of the duke is a very beautiful woman, it wouldn't hurt to play with her a little before killing her, after all, Lord Michel had permitted him to do whatever he wanted.

"Princess," He called with a light tease as he knocked on the carriage door, the rest of his men laughed out loud. "There is no need to be scared, my lady, please open the carriage door."


He turned around to look at his men, his grin broader, he held the carriage and opened the door, but his surprise fell when he was met by the empty seats.