Come up

 The Duke has gone back to his chambers, Rain sat down in the aftermath of their conversation. She felt a lot of things all at once anger, sadness, pain and fear. But most especially she felt fear, the Duke is like a natural disaster, he did not regard anybody.

 The only thing he was concerned about was his own gain and his selfish interest, to him humans are nothing but tools including herself.

 She doubted he has ever loved anybody, but also the duke's eyes held a certain sadness, he believed a myth and took it to heart but there was also something he was not telling her.

She laid back in her bed, trying to calm her nerves from the horror of her conversation.

"My lady," Marine said as she entered into the room her eyes were filled with tears, Rain's inquiring green eyes darted to the door and they widened as soon as they noticed Marine. "I've been so worried about you my lady, I thought you were going to die."