No matter what you say

Chapter Eighty

"Let me go!" Rain yelled, her voice filled with desperation as she tried to push him off. The crowned prince's grip only tightened, his fingers digging painfully into her hair and neck.

"I will ask you here and now, Rain," he growled, his breath hot against her face. His large hands cut off her air supply, causing her vision to blur and a nerve-wracking pain to pulse through her head. "Are you going to marry me?" he asked, his voice dripping with menace.

Rain's eyes filled with tears, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and defiance. She struggled to speak, but the prince's hold made it impossible. Seeing her struggle, he sneered, his expression darkening further. "Right, I forgot that you can't speak," he mocked, leaning closer so their faces were mere inches apart. "But your eyes tell me everything. You will marry me, Rain, whether you want to or not. No one defies the future king."