| 065 | Operation Hammer of Dawn: Northern Frontier

On the northern coast of Crescere was the November Fleet of the United Navy composed of the UNS Zarya and the UNS Light Bringer. They dwelled near the island's coast, fully prepared for what was to come.

At the moment, they were in the process of analyzing their newly gained intelligence of the deep cave system beneath the northern plateau. It was taking some time, but the results were proving to be useful.

Fortunately for the November Fleet, the entrance and exit of the cave system only resided in one massive mouth in the northernmost of the plateau.

With this, it would be a lot easier and simpler to corner the magibeasts living inside of it. But a question does perpetuate from this intelligence. How would they handle the magibeasts?

Would they handle the magibeasts through military support of ground and aerial troops? Or will they simply throw warheads and bunker busters into the cave system?