| 081 | Operation Daedalus Status Report

"Charlotte, it seems that Operation Daedalus was a success." Inside the bridge of UNS Trinity of Solace, Abraham was conversing with the Vice Admiral through the communication apparatus of the bridge, currently operated by various communication operators.

*It was a success, Fleet Admiral. We managed to get them to back down.* Charlotte's aloof voice escaped the confines of the machine. It looks like the Vice Admiral wasn't that much bothered by the diplomatic talk.

"From your tone, although not bothered, it must have been troublesome," Abraham remarked as he knew the tinge of difference within Charlotte's tone. She might not be bothered, but she obviously found it problematic.

*They were arrogant as expected, though their capability was higher than we had expected.* Charlotte responded to the Fleet Admiral. The arrogance of the Magus was as natural as the sun rising from the east, but their power was higher than previously thought.