| 113 | The Following Morning

Warm radiance pierced through the silky curtain strapped upon a window, creating a tranquil ambiance within the room. Perceiving the warmth of the morning sun, Abraham slowly opened his eyelids and saw his room covered in a pleasing brilliance. 

He felt pressure over his arm, prompting his eyes to turn towards it. He saw the white-haired dragoness gazing at him with her golden irises. A smirk encapsulated her lips while her cheeks glossed with a pinkish tint.

"Oh, my... You finally woke up." Laplace expressed with a teasing smile as she continued. "You must have been exhausted from working hard a couple of hours ago."

"Yeah, I wonder why." Abraham rolled his eyes while thinking about what had happened in their erotic adventure and romance. The white-haired lady on his arm practically sucked the vitality from his body.