| 137 | Recovery

In the Port of Dawn was the general hospital located near the branch office building. Surrounding its every nook and cranny were soldiers of the United Army. Several Abrams had their turrets pointed onward while Apaches circled throughout the blue skies.

The general hospital was defended to the bone by the United Army personnel of the United Navy. After all, inside the building was none other than the fleet admiral of the United Navy, Abraham Shepherd. 

"Even with your recovery, look at what your recklessness did to your body." Sitting beside Abraham's comfy and luxurious bed in a private room of the hospital, Laplace calmly sliced a crimson apple into pieces with a sharp knife.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, Laplace." Abraham wryly smiled while laying on his bed, it seems that jumping of a high floor didn't only give him some broken bones. A few of his organs became internally injured, requiring treatment.