| 191 | Final Battle Part 4

Propelling through the air, Abraham soon made his landing onto a nearby enemy battleship sailing in the rear line of their battle formation. It wasn't a comfortable and adept landing, however, as he crashed onto the mast of their warship, toppling it down to the decks.

The shouts and cries of the crew resounded as they had thought one of the shells had hit their mass. They scattered around trying to regain discipline, but with the mast plunging onto the bow of the battleship. Calm was far from what they would feel.

"Repair the ship and make sure that our hull remains combat-effective." An order echoed throughout the wooden deck of the battleship. It came from none other than the commanding officer, the captain of the warship.

When the crew heard his orders, their discipline returned as they quickly began checking for further damages from the attack. The giant cannons of the battleship kept firing, uncaring of the complicated situation of the above deck.