| 194 | Final Battle Part 7

*Shield 1-1, orders have been given. Push forward.* Within one of the leading Abrams tank in the spearhead formation of the ground forces, the calm voice of a communication operator escaped the metallic confines of the radio. 

From the communication operator, the tank operators were given the orders to move forward into the hill in front of them. 

*This is Shield 1-1, Copy.* With the orders from the top, the tank operators didn't hesitate and quickly made their engine rumble. Their metallic interior trembled in a slight vibration as the tank began moving forward. 

Surrounding Abrams in the spearhead formation followed and also drove forward into the hill. Behind them were dozens of IFVs, remaining in the rear of the forward formation to support the MBTs. The military trucks were left behind, awaiting for further orders from the top.