| 211 | The Establishment of a Nation

In the towering Citadel of the installation that pierced through the azure skies of the heavens above, an assembly hall resided in its foot, merely above the Foundation. It was a massive conference room, far larger than the one dwelling in the Port of Dawn.

It was the administrative chamber of the United Navy, the hall that would decide the future of the naval organization. And within it was none other than the highest authority, Fleet Admiral Abraham Shepherd, the supreme judge of the Hall of Unity.

Abraham sat on his seat in the assembly hall that stood higher than the most. It was akin to a luxurious and private loge, though a bit more open than the former. He could see everyone that would be sitting in the hall, and they would also see him.

However, the grandiose nature of the Hall of Unity wasn't the reason why he had called for the higher-echelons of the United Navy. It was merely time for the United Navy, as such he summoned them.