| 221 | TIMESKIP FLASHBACK: Part Nine - Intensifying Desires(R18)

In the serene evening of Dawn City, the radiant sun has long set from the lines of the boundless horizon, replaced by the pale moon gleaming amidst the darkness of the night sky. Twinkling stars shone through the black canvas, bringing in a beautiful scenery of solace.

Somewhere within the calm streets of Dawn City, Abraham walked through the sidewalk, carrying a gorgeous office lady behind his back. A tint of red was on his cheeks, remembering what had recently happened in the bar. 

Charlotte, the supposed Frozen Empress, became bold, sitting on his lap and kissing him while seducing him with words filled to the brim with desires. His mind surged with complicated thoughts, unable to understand what to do forward.

Perhaps what they did in the bar was already enough for the two. There was no need for things to be quick, besides Laplace hadn't returned yet. He didn't want to break his vows as it wasn't his character to do so.

"Sir Abraham..."