| 240 | The Ensnared Fox

Viagra's heart pounded heavily as she had heard an unusual yet familiar voice. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, but it was the truth nonetheless. The voice came from her former superior, the strongest deity within the Revolting Tide, the Dragon of Destruction, Laplace.

"L-Lady L-Laplace... I didn't think that we would meet once again." The words that escaped her supple lips were filled with anxiousness and dread. Her fate after the interrogation was clear. Just like the Inquisition, the United World Government might disposed of her.

"Aren't you the lone survivor of the collapsed village, devastated by the Inquisitors of the Colonial Dominions. The one wielding psychic magicraft, the last Priestess of Psycho. You have grown a lot from the last moment I saw you. Though, you have become a disappointment."