Chapter 17: The Cemetery

The resting place of the wife of the Crimson-robed Mage was remarkably simple, adorned with black rectangular tombstones stained with a deep crimson hue. Hecor continually traced the marks upon it, his expression tinged with melancholy. "I detest this color... but Mother adored it."

"This is the emblem of the Crimson-robed Mages," Penny recalled the basic knowledge of the Crimson-robed Mage.

"My mother hailed from a family of Crimson-robed lineage. You must know what such families entail..."

"Of course, I do. Only those with magical aptitude who become members of the Crimson-robed Mage Society are recorded in the family annals, akin to nobility in Sael, yes?" Penny nodded, well aware. He had encountered a few such scions, albeit ones lacking strong backing, who were dispatched in the academy nonetheless. The Crimson-robed families typically condoned such occurrences.

It might sound unrealistic, but in Sael, the higher echelons of society were the most brutal. Those who fell in a corner of the academy, even if they barely survived, would likely find it hard to progress further. The damned would eventually meet their fate.

"Mother had average aptitude, failing to become a mage, so she married 'that man' at an early age..." The girl continued with a tone of reminiscence.

Penny nodded. It wasn't surprising. If a Crimson-robed family produced a failure, they would usually strip them of their surname and cast them out, providing a sum of money to the men and arranging marriages for the women. Many middling Crimson-robed men were willing to marry such women, offering them better prospects—although in Sael's society, nepotism was a universal truth, was it not?

Penny could already surmise the background of Hecor's parents. From an objective standpoint, it was indeed an imperfect love affair—or rather, one devoid of love altogether.

It's no wonder the young girl would become so cynical.

"He always remains holed up in that laboratory, never stepping out. Even the signboard of this tavern was painted by Mother herself. Living as the wife of a Crimson-robed, it's as if she endures a life more arduous than a slave's." Hecor's face was filled with a sardonic smile. "Such are the nobles of this land."

"But even when she was coughing up blood, nearing death, she never ceased to chant about the so-called glory of the Crimson-robed. She wouldn't even summon him back from the laboratory to see her once. Though she lived like a slave, she loved him so much. Is it truly worth it? ... Glory, does Sael even possess such a thing?" The girl's expression became perplexed once again.

"Perhaps it does. I dare say, being kin to a Crimson-robed is indeed a rather precarious affair, for they have no surplus energy to spare for love." Penny contemplated the lifestyle of the Crimson-robed before speaking.

"Is that so?"

"I believe Mr. Jenner isn't a heartless man." Penny hesitated for a moment, recalling the experiment on the eve of his departure from the academy.

Is someone who tests his students in such a manner truly ruthless and cruel? Penny didn't think so. If it were someone else in Jenner's position, they would likely have directly used poison or magic to control Penny. The outcome might not have been as it is now.

Though he had no interest in becoming a Crimson-robed, Penny still held quite a positive opinion of this mentor.

"How can you speak well of him?" Hecor angrily exclaimed.

"Have you ever tried to understand him? Or do you simply perceive him as a typical Crimson-robed based on childhood impressions?" Penny inquired. "That incident happened ten years ago. You were merely four at the time... Perhaps the impression runs deep, but... have you truly sought to understand his thoughts?"

"I... I can't forgive him," Hecor replied, bowing her head.

"But he is your father. Hecor, I believe that, regardless of how much you may resent him, you cannot truly regard him as an enemy," Penny said. "Since you cannot be enemies, why not attempt to understand him? Is understanding and forgiveness such a daunting task?"

"I..." The girl paused for a moment, her gaze gradually becoming scattered, seemingly pondering Penny's words.

Understanding and forgiveness? Is that even possible?

"Or have you been avoiding him all these years, without ever wanting to make contact with him? At least try to understand him, to find genuine reasons to decide whether to love or hate. Otherwise, it's just harming oneself and others, isn't it? Sometimes, taking one step forward only requires a little courage." Penny spoke, gazing towards the right side of the cemetery, where a middle-aged man in a deep red robe was slowly approaching. The girl also noticed, nervously attempting to stand up, but her wrist was held back by the young man.

"This is an opportunity, courage, just a bit of courage." Penny earnestly stared into the girl's eyes, feeling the tremble and struggle in her hand, speaking calmly.

"I..." The man drew nearer, and Hecor clenched her lip, her head nearly lowering to the ground. In that moment of having her hand held, she couldn't discern from where within her arose a surge of courage, astonishingly devoid of any desire to flee, yet her thoughts grew increasingly tangled.

Whether it was trepidation, fear, or perplexity, there was surprisingly little resentment.

"I..." Footsteps neared, and a red corner emerged on the ground before her eyes. Hecor slowly raised her head, catching sight of a somewhat aged visage, faintly familiar yet tinged with unfamiliarity. How long had it been since they last met? For years, she had been evading him...

This time, it seemed there was no gap for escape.

"Hecor, it has been six years... Father... Finally, I can see you again..." Reng Jiangwashi scrutinized the pale face, momentarily caressing the girl's visage as if in lamentation. "You resemble Celine so much... Equally... so beautiful."

Hecor's gaze momentarily flickered, tears streaming down like a tide, collapsing into Penny's embrace, as the resentment in her heart gradually ebbed away with each tear.

"Dean Jiangwashi..." Penny felt awkward. According to the usual eight o'clock narrative, shouldn't this be a grand reconciliation between father and daughter, culminating in tearful embraces? How did it end up like this? It was hard to imagine a father's reaction upon witnessing this scene — his daughter casually seeking solace in another's embrace. What was their relationship? Such thoughts were best left untouched by Penny, especially not at this moment.

He rose, intending to deliver Hecor into the embrace of Old Dean Jiangwashi. However, he observed Jiangwashi standing with folded arms, showing no inclination to take over, but rather, gazing into the distance with a far-off look. "Since she has chosen you, I have no reason to take over your role, apprentice. You are quite commendable."

Penny was momentarily unsure of what expression to wear, so he simply led the girl back to the nearby grassy patch.

"In one's lifetime, faced with countless choices, each time you must first ask yourself, what are you striving for? What will you gain? What will you forsake? Will you regret it?" The dean didn't fall into silence but instead caressed the black tombstone adorned with a red mark, speaking slowly. "I once thought I could sacrifice everything for power and authority, but in the end, I regretted it. Some things, once missed, can never be regained. Her departure made me thoroughly sober, realizing what exactly the so-called power we pursue is for. What do you think, apprentice?"

"I believe it should be about protecting things that are important to oneself," Penny pondered and replied.

"I just said, you are quite commendable," the Dean smiled. "You are more perceptive than the vast majority of my former students. At least you are clear about what you want. That's why I appreciate you, even though your aptitude is quite average."

Penny chuckled awkwardly.

"But it's quite evident that you're still a bit perplexed at the moment. However, this confusion of yours is different from the conceited confusion of those I've dealt with before. I believe you still have potential to be redeemed, and there's a necessity for it. Though your qualities differ from most of my colleagues, I deem you quite suitable to become a Scarlet Robe Mage, even more so than them," Jiangwashi turned to Penny. "This is also one of my purposes for coming here today, apprentice. Are you willing to continue your obligations to Sael?"

"No!" Hecor, nestled in Penny's embrace, shrieked, casting a sorrowful gaze at his father. "Please, don't take him away, I beg of you."

"Of course, it's his own choice, my dear daughter. You need not worry," Jiangwashi gazed tenderly at Hecor, a look that hardly befitted a Scarlet Robe Mage, but it was fleeting, soon returning to his usual calm and indifference as he addressed Penny. "And what is your choice, apprentice?"

"I have no desire to alter my current way of life, sir mentor," Penny replied without hesitation, quite content with his current circumstances.

"Very well then, you are aware of the address of Lakefront Academy. Until you forget everything you've learned there, its gates are open to you at any time. I hope you'll change your mind soon," Jiangwashi adjusted his glasses and then leaned down to pat the tearful Hecor on the nose. "My daughter, I wish you future happiness."

"Thank you... father," Hecor's lips quivered as he whispered softly.

"Today is the happiest day for me, Hecor. You finally addressed me as such," Jiangwashi chuckled again, rising swiftly and departing. Penny watched him all the way until Jiangwashi disappeared into a carriage, then sighed. "Let's go back."

"Oh, alright," Hecor rubbed his eyes, stood up, and followed the youth back towards the city of Demi. Soon, the girl became cheerful and ran ahead of Penny.

"Penny, how about grilled steak for dinner tonight?"

"Not a good idea, high-calorie foods are prone to causing weight gain."

"A good child shouldn't be picky!"

"We also need to see if there will be many guests tonight, perhaps it'll be very busy..." Penny's voice lacked enthusiasm.

As they conversed, they entered the city. Suddenly, they noticed a thick smoke not far away. Upon asking a passerby, who hurriedly responded, "A group of people just attacked the Celine Tavern and set it on fire!"

Penny and Hecor exchanged a glance, seeing the shock reflected in each other's eyes, and began to run.