Chapter 3 - The Tapping of Father's Care

Zucheng looked towards his fiancée for help, but Daoxing was already on her way out. Waving goodbye and surely wishing for his survival. Zucheng screwed up this time, and now he'll have to face the music of his own design.

Sighing, Zucheng faces towards his mother whom he is sure already has some inkling of the culprit behind the missing Frost. He was going to return the 1,000 Frost at some point. Maybe not today, nor tomorrow. But certainly eventually. Probably. He had a good reason to "borrow" it too. Just that, perhaps, his father wouldn't quite agree that it was a good reason. 

"Come, Zucheng. Your father is waiting." says Zucheng's mother.

Zucheng sighs and swiftly follows his mother. Past the walls outlining the perimeter of Low Dow's Pi-Xiu family, is a large field. In the front were several training grounds where guards, usually low-rank Cultivators, trained. All the Cultivators who train on the grounds here have sworn allegiance to his father.

Most of the Cultivators here are at the Spirit Vein Opening Realm, the 2nd Realm of Cultivation. The head guard of the family is at the Early Stage of the Spirit Vein Strengthening Realm. The 3rd Realm of Cultivation. Most of the guards ignore Zucheng but they make sure to pause their training in order to show their respects to his mother. They either bow slightly or press their right fists against their chest, the usual Frostjade salute.

Zucheng liked to ignore the fact that the guards clearly did not respect him nor do they believe that he is a fit heir for his father. He knows that such a thing will most definitely cause a problem at a later date. But as of right now? He needn't worry of such things. And so, he just continues to follow his mother pass the training guards.

After a minute of walking, Zucheng and his mother reach the main doors to the manor. Large doors that were twice the height of the average man and made of heavy wood. Zucheng isn't sure what the wood is. It was old, it was heavy. And perhaps oddest of all, it was red. Not the usual red that some wood is like. This door is blood red. Not dyed that way either. Just carved and put into its place. Objects in their places, just how Zucheng's father likes it to be.

Two large guards open the double doors once they see the brown-haired woman. They try their best to be as respectful as they could possibly be, but Zucheng notices the look in their eyes. It is the look that all the guards gave him. Disdain. Zucheng is understands why they feel the way they do. Afterall, his brother held the respect of all the manor workers, the guards included. Zucheng, however, did not.

Zucheng knows they are disgruntled about the whole ordeal and he, too, is immensely displeased with this. More than anyone knows. Zucheng adored his older brother. He respected him more so than even their father. He respected his brother even more than he feared their father's cane.

His mother, upon entering the abode, immediately turns left down a hall. This causes a slight panic to overtake Zucheng. Left is where his father's private office is. Not the meeting room. This meant that Zucheng's father has already found out. No need to prolong things. His father has always been a man to get right to the root of a problem. And, sadly, Zucheng this time is the root of said problem.

Zucheng follows his mother, the soft yet firm steps of her feet hitting the nightingale floors causing a creaking noise that is helping to distract Zucheng at this moment. Such floors are quite common in the abodes of the powerful. Especially the abodes of influential Mortals. Some of these floors had been crafted in such a way to sound like a bird's song. But the floors of the manor simply sound loud and obnoxious.

Sadly, Zucheng's allotted distraction time is now over. His mother opens the door to the office and enters first. Zucheng follows swiftly afterwards. Waiting won't help him. He knows his father hits harder when Zucheng tries to delay the inevitable lashings.

Upon entry, Zucheng sees his father. A tall and lean man with raven-like hair. His dark brown eyes always seem to be brooding. Never pleased with anything. A long scar goes from his forehead to the beginning of his crooked nose. According to some drunken guards, Zucheng's father broke his nose while having a drinking contest with an Immortal. Zucheng's eyes shift to the pitch black metal cane resting under his father's right hand. Several metal rings are seen on that hand. Zucheng has never been quite sure which one hurt worse. The cane or the rings.

Zucheng looks towards his mother with a look that says "I thought we were headed to the Discipline Hall?"

And, being the good mother that she is, immediately understood the confused look her youngest child was giving her.

"Discipline Hall afterwards." she said quickly and sternly.

'That doesn't sound good' thought Zucheng.

"Zucheng." said his father. His voice strong, bold, and uncaring. Like he was speaking to a soldier or some servant.

Zucheng cuffs his right fist with his left hand and bows.

"I greet Scholar-Official Huogi." replied Zucheng quickly and as professionally as possible.

His father lightly begins tapping the floor with his cane. Zucheng screwed up somehow. Zucheng's mind race as to what and how, but Zucheng did greeted his father correctly. He's sure of it.

"Do you know why I had your mother bring you here?" asked Huogi.

"Mother had said that 1,000 Frost had gone missing. But I was told she was bringing me to the Discipline Hall, sir." Zucheng said.

Huogi slows down the tapping of his cane. Zucheng said something to ease his father's rage.

'Is it because I forgot to call him sir?' wondered Zucheng.

"That is correct. I will ask this once. And only once. Am I understood?" said Huogi.

Zucheng knew that he's screwed this time.

"Yes, sir. You are." replied Zucheng.

And much to Zucheng's shock and slight horror, his father's cane began to speed up once more.

'But... how? What did I say wrong this time?' thought Zucheng.

"Good. Zucheng, did you take the 1,000 Frost?" asked Huogi.

Zucheng had two choices. He could lie and hope that there is no evidence pointing him out to be the culprit. Thing is, if there was he would be in a world of hurt. Lashings like that will sting for weeks, possibly even leave new scars if his father is truly displeased. But... if he told the truth he will be beaten. Not as harshly though. Getting caught lying would bring far more pain than the truth would.

"I did." Zucheng spoke clearly and loudly.

His father would hit him harder if he stuttered out the truth. He still remembered the taste of his own blood from when he stuttered and was smacked clean across the face. How old was he? Eight? Nine? He can't quite remember. He's been beaten so many times that it is quite difficult for Zucheng to remember specific instances of abuse.

Huogi's tapping speeds up immensely. A beating is certain now.

"Zucheng. You stole money from our safe. You took it for your own uses. Money that was to be used for the good of not just out family but for that of Low Dew City's good. Do you have a reason?" Huogi's voice is quiet yet fierce.

"I do." said Zucheng.

It wasn't a good reason though. He planned on investing it on a new business venture. A few months later, he would return with ten times the amount and show his father what his worth truly was. A proper heir.

'I didn't think this one through.' thought Zucheng.

Perhaps, it was time to do some advanced lying techniques. Something Zucheng's brother taught him before his brother left. The best lie is often the truth. Mix lies and truths together. Zucheng truly is hoping his brother's secret lying technique works. He does not want to be hit too hard.

"I had used it to form connections with a merchant." replied Zucheng.

Zucheng's heart almost stops as he sees the tapping increase.

'Push forward, Zucheng'

"This merchant is a Stall Merchant. Someone new to the city. Yet, they somehow managed to procure an item that most Mortal merchants could only dream of. I saw talent in this merchant and used this chance to not only form connections but buy the item." continued Zucheng.

The tapping cane slows down, not by a lot, but enough to give Zucheng some minute shred of hope.

"And what was this item?" asks his father.

"A Spiritual Tool" replied Zucheng in a clear voice.

In a moment, Huogi's expression goes from the strong stoic expression that Zucheng is used to, to one he has never seen on his father's face. Ever. Fear. Complete and utter terror. Huogi's tapping pauses, no not just that. Huogi is brought to such utter shock that the cane falls from his grip.




It rolls across the floor.

Zucheng, unsure of what to make of sure expression, looks towards his mother. Fear fills her eyes. They both stare at Zucheng. He could tell it wasn't that they were scared of him, but for him. As if some threat was now after his life. His mother, he could understand her having such feelings. But his father? His father does not care for him enough to be like that. He only cares about what Zucheng is. The apparent heir of Low Dew City's Pi-Xiu Family.

"How... How did you know it was a Spiritual Tool?" asked Huogi.

A fair enough question. After all, only Cultivators could detect Spiritual Energy. To a Mortal, a Spiritual Tool just looks like an ordinary item unless of course it is quite obvious that it's a Spiritual Tool.

"I..." Zucheng pauses since he realizes how odd this is and he instinctively winces.

He braces for the cruel impact of his father's cane, but it never comes.

"Zucheng, continue." urged his mother.

"I'm... not sure. I just did. I saw it was and knew it was. I... don't know why or... how." replied Zucheng, his voice full of utter bewilderment to the situation.

He didn't think of it at the time as to how he knew. He just... did. But why? Why did he? How did he? The more he thought of it, the more he felt as if something was odd. Not wrong, just odd.

A long silence fills the room. Several minutes go by without a word. At least, it felt like several minutes to Zucheng. He had never been good with telling time which often caused him to be late to many things.

However, when his father finally did speak, it was not what Zucheng was expecting.

"Zucheng, you may leave." says Huogi.

Zucheng immediately turns around and leaves. It's best not to question life's happy little accidents. If he can get away without a beating, he'd jump on that chance like white on rice.

Once Zucheng had left, Huogi crashes onto his chair. His breath heavy. He is having a panic attack. His beloved wife goes to his side and holds his ringed hand.

"Huogi, breath." she says.

'Breath?' he thought.

'How can he breath when he has realized that everything they have done has been for naught!?' he continued thinking. It was too hard for him to talk right now.

Due to his panic, he didn't realize that his beloved wife spoke without moving her lips.

"It'll be okay. We'll figure something out." she says, still without physically saying it.

By now, he's calmed down enough to realize. Clearly, she does not want anyone listening in. Sadly, he cannot use that trick.

"But how... How can we protect him now? From him." says Huogi, his voice hoarse from forcing himself to talk through his panic.

His wife gently kisses Huogi's forehead. He focuses on the soothing warmth of her lips, allowing him to calm himself even further.

"I don't know, Huogi... I don't know."